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Trump Brags About Watching TV During a Global Pandemic and People are Horrified

It really is getting ridiculous, and offensive. One can feel the anger building, both on social media and now in the traditional media.

This is the President of the United States of America as the nation teeters toward a breakdown in both the healthcare system and economy, one day after his own task force team said 100k to 200k could die if things went perfectly:

It is just so offensive on so many levels. What a fcking baby! Can we please get a real president to see us through this? Can Jimmy Carter take some time from building houses and put a suit on and come manage this? Please!

Imagine how small a man one must be to need praise this badly:

He is lying again. I know someone who isn’t working very hard at all. I know someone who is sitting on his fat ass watching TV with his phone in his lap.

The thunder is starting to roll. I am actually afraid of what the anger could unleash in three to four months. For now, it is limited to “feedback” on Twitter:

I highly recommend everyone follow Amy, above. She is a sharp woman with a perceptive eye, great writer.

We are just in the first weeks. Dr. Birx said just yesterday, if would be a victory to only lose 100,000 people. This would be double the number of Americans lost in the Vietnam War.

That is exactly right. I cannot imagine how it is that MAGA heads see this person as a leader. Of course, he feeds on the emotions of the weakest among us.

Finally, some good news, let’s end on a great note. Trump is burying himself (along with many Americans) because the campaign commercials write themselves at this point. A brilliant one comes in below:

We need more of those, we need those flooding social media and television. Forward this tweet or this article. Biden may not be the most charismatic, nor have the cleanest background, but he does know how to get the government working again. Biden can bring back some functionality so that we can move toward our real goals.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom