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Trump Campaign Spokeswoman Says Trump Knows Better than the EXPERTS at CDC About Disease and Rallies

Tremendous pressure has been brought to bear upon the candidates’ decisions whether to hold rallies in light of the coronavirus epidemic. Just this last week, Joe Biden canceled rallies in order to avoid putting people in close proximity to each other in an environment that might spread the disease. Intense questions have been put to the Trump campaign as to why Trump has yet to cancel any rallies, and is indeed going full speed ahead:

Trump 2020 campaign press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday insisted that the president of the United States is the best person to decide whether his rallies go forward amid an outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

If you ask Trump, he is the best person to decide how to fix an aortic aneurysm, too. Indeed, Trump knows everything better than everyone, he’s said as much over the course of the last six years – “no one knows ISIS better than me …” and on and on. So it shouldn’t surprise us that Trump believes he knows what’s best when it comes to rallies.

Of course, Trump doesn’t care about the health of the people at the rallies, he is focused like a laser about his reelection. Leprosy could be spreading at a 1:1 ratio and he’d still be holding rallies if he believed it assisted his reelection hopes.

Stuart Varney of Fox noted to McEnany that Dr. Fauci of the CDC said that large crowds should not be allowed to gather, and McEnany had a ready answer, “what does he know?”:

“Look, we have the commander-in-chief, we have the best health experts,” McEnany insisted. “We’re taking this day by day. We’re currently proceeding as normal. Joe Biden is suspending his rallies. He’s been dying to get off the campaign trail. He can only speak for seven minutes.”

At which point a lighting bolt from heaven didn’t fry the hair off her head, but clearly should have. These are some of the most awful people on earth. Biden clearly took the advice of the experts, and for it he gets to hear that he did it only because he supposedly cannot speak for seven minutes at a time, which – ironically – is double the time Trump can speak without slurring words or ripping into someone wholly irrelevant.

“You will immediately be accused of chaos in the White House,” Varney interrupted. “The president goes ahead with holding his rallies. His top doctor — top medical guy — says don’t go with big crowds. I mean, you’re immediately going to be hit with this.”

“Look, the president is the best authority on this issue,” McEnany asserted.


The president is the best authority in determining what HE thinks is in his sole best interests, and everyone else be damned.

This man isn’t lawfully allowed to run a charity in New York, he isn’t fit to run a PTA, and yet his campaign seems to believe it has some special insight as to the dangers of crowds in an epidemic, the decision for which is in direct conflict with what he perceives as his best interest politically, his only care.

“So, I’ll leave it to the president,” she added. “Joe Biden is looking for an excuse to get off the campaign trail. And let me just add, the media’s best hope is for Donald Trump to suspend his rallies. They’ve been wanting to stop this, his avenue to speak directly to the American people.”

Joe Biden has all the momentum on earth. It would benefit no one more to continue daily rallies. And yet not only are the Trumpers reckless, they have found a way to turn this on Biden. Terrible people, truly.

So angry.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom