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Trump Has the Audacity to Demand States Step-Up Testing β€” When They Don’t Have Tests

This man has a lot of nerve to demand anything of anyone right now, and yet here he is, making orders of others, to pick up HIS mess. There are specific times we rely upon the federal government, one of which is national defense, as defense of any one state is intertwined with another. An epidemic is akin to national defense. It does no good if one state does everything right when another does everything wrong. For that reason, leadership had to start at the top, no matter how perfect the organization below, if it was chaotic at the federal level (and it was) nothing below mattered.

So who the hell is this man speaking to? Why doesn’t he get his act and own administration together?

Ironically, up until maybe a week ago, the only way for the states to step up and start testing was to ignore the CDC and do the tests themselves. Indeed, had states been allowed to use the WHO tests – that Trump specifically turned down – we would have had a lot more information a lot sooner.

To demonstrate how big a shitshow this has become, the first challenge question back to Trump highlights yet another issue that Trump hasn’t taken care of:

We are going to need answers to the above questions because otherwise there will be no one providing the tests and no one reading the tests.

Dear god, I hope this is a parody account, but the problem is that we cannot tell. Too many in this country believe this to be the case.

And this might be the scariest tweet yet in response. If the Fed has interest rates already down near zero, and the market doesn’t care with futures this far down. There is nothing in reserve if things get bad:

And I will end by posting from a particularly brilliant woman, whose analysis is read by millions, and adored by men and women everywhere, as she has a very pertinent question:

Nice job, boss.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom