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Trump Snaps at ABC Reporter Over Ventilator Question, ‘Don’t Be a Cutie Pie!’

Donald Trump made it clear at his Friday coronavirus press briefing that he’s not happy with a few governors across the country who aren’t being “appreciative” enough of what the federal government is doing with respect to combatting coronavirus, and then even got very testy with a reporter.

ABC News’ Jon Karl asked the president to be specific in how he thinks “the governors are at fault” in their response.

Trump brought up Washington state first, calling Governor Jay Inslee a “failed presidential candidate” who’s “constantly chirping” and “complaining.”

He went after Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as well, saying, “All she does is — she has no idea what’s going on and all she does is say, ‘Oh, it’s the federal government’s fault.’ And we have taken such great care of Michigan.”

“Governor Cuomo’s been appreciative,” Trump said, “but a couple of people aren’t.”

“What more specifically do you want the Governor of Washington…” Karl started to ask.

“All I want them to do — very simple — I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative,” the president said. He added he’s not just talking about himself but the work being done by the task force, FEMA, and the Army Corps of Engineers.

At one point the president even went so far as to say he would personally not call governors who aren’t being more appreciative:

“These are people that should be appreciated. He calls all the governors. I tell him, I mean, I’m a different type of person. I say Mike, ‘Don’t call the governor of Washington. You’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan, it doesn’t make any difference what happens’… You know what I say? If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call. He’s a different type of person. He’ll call quietly anyway. Okay? But he’s done a great job. He should be appreciated for the job he’s done.”

Karl then asked whether everyone who eeds a ventilator will get one, and Trump snapped back: