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Trump Spent Weekend Golfing – Extra, While Country Cried for Leadership, People Lash Back

As we have said before, Trump has about three tools with which to deal with any problem, and no matter how seriously he employs each of his tools against the latest problems, they simply end up looking increasingly pathetic. Even after being called out for fiddling while Rome burned – and being oblivious about the reference, too, he refused to alter his routine, even taking extra time to luxuriate himself with an extra round as the market shed 8%. To put that in perspective, near every investor everywhere would dearly love to lock in an 8% increase in return over a year as an annual ROI. Trump lost it in one day.

He golfed, and when he was done, he golfed some more:

For Donald Trump, coronavirus is just one more excuse to attack Democrats and the media. It sure isn’t a reason to interrupt his golfing. Trump spent the weekend golfing in Florida, then launched into Monday morning by tweeting [1], “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, ‘The risk is low to the average American.’”

There seems to be no awareness that many in this country are not “average Americans,” including big three wood Biff, who comes awfully close to fitting those who are most risk from the disease. He also focuses solely upon the situation today, without regard to the real danger, two months from now. Not only does he not appreciate the trouble wrought by a future with ERs and ICUs full of COVID-19 patients, he fails to see the cascading impact on heart attack patients, stroke patients, and major trauma patients, also needing critical care in the routine course, not able to access ICU beds due to coronavirus.

Fear not, though. While Trump himself was golfing in Florida, “top officials met in the Situation Room in what has become a daily briefing and strategy session amid the growing crisis,” The Washington Post reports [2]. And honestly, Trump’s absence is a good thing for an effective response. Trump seems genuinely to believe that this is a situation manufactured to hurt him politically.

All news is about him personally, good or bad, so this news must be directed at him personally by his enemies, to undermine him. Never mind that natural disasters happen

The president simply refuses to see the problem through the prism of reality, no matter how badly his aides insist that this is real, much more real than Trump understands or wants to work to abate. Italy doesn’t seem like a hoax:

After all, it’s just the “Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party” making COVID-19 an issue. Apparently the reach of the U.S. media and the Democratic Party extends all the way to Italy, where 16 million people are under quarantine [3].

Clever Democrats. Get that hoax going internationally to scare markets and manipulate the media.


Peace, y’all


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