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Watch Morning Joe Hilariously Destroy Trump for Calling Biden “Confused,” Using Trump DEMENTIA Greatest Hits!

By now everyone knows that Trump’s latest projection infers to the nation that Biden has so slipped mentally that he cannot be president, and that such dementia should factor against Biden when it comes to the presidential vote. But as with all things Trump projection, they seem wholly unaware of the fact that it leaves them wide open for counter-shots, and in this one the anti-Trump side has loads of ammunition.

The crew on Morning Joe took up the challenge this morning and played several of Trump’s greatest hits on video to the sound of the song “The Wanderer, and a good time was had by all, with the possible exception of members of the Trump campaign.

Transcript brought to us by our friends at Rawstory [1]:

The “Morning Joe” host wondered how that would work when there were so many examples of Trump himself misspeaking or just wandering off, and he rolled a supercut video of the president walking away from events in a daze, set to the tune of Dion’s “The Wanderer.”

We who watch Trump’s speeches often record the astonishing gaffes that permeate any Trump speech, often in rallies where Trump goes off script and off language – at least our language – but the video of Trump getting confused as to where he is going and picking out the right car, or direction, is equally compelling:

“Everything Donald Trump says is either confession or projection,” Scarborough said. “So, again, there’s so many of these out there, you just wonder how much longer is a campaign really going to suggest that there’s another candidate in the race who sometimes seems confused and disoriented, because for every clip they have, there are 30 of Donald Trump.”

They can find thirty examples of Trump from the last few days. But very few candidates have video from 20 years ago that show cognition or education problems going back decades. But Trump sure does.

Sure, Trump might not have had the cognitive decline back twenty years ago, but he was never truly educated, nor did he ever understand the world as well as the people who did actually pay attention in school. Now those forces come together to create video that hurt one’s eyes to watch, and break one’s brain to appreciate. Watch:

Peace, y’all


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