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Emasculated Pence Just Evaded a Question About Insurance So Pathetically Even Trump Teased Him For It

The White House coronavirus task force is holding another press briefing today.

Yesterday’s briefing was perhaps the most sobering thus far, with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx warning that with serious mitigation and social distancing, there could be anywhere from 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from the coronavirus.

More governors across the country have implemented stay at home orders, including most recently in Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

At yesterday’s briefing, Donald Trump warned that the next few weeks are going to be “very painful” but Americans need to keep following social distancing guidelines — now extended until April 30.

Trump didn’t really announce any new news. He just wants to talk. Luckily CNN stopped airing this shitshow. I am watching so you don’t have to.

Fox New’s John Roberts asked Mike Pence a good question. What do people without insurance do. And not poor people, the people in the “donut hole.” People who make too much to qualify for Medi-cal, but not enough to be afford to afford insurance.

Mike Pence’s answer was shocking in how hard he avoided answering the question:

Then even Trump teased Pence about the answer: