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Jared Kushner’s Looks Have Drastically Changed in Just a Few Years and Some Suggest He’s Had Plastic Surgery

I seriously doubt that there has ever been a more vain, unempathetic, self-centered and self-satisfied – not to mention, evil – couple to ever walk the Earth than Jared and Ivanka. It has been very well documented that Pretty Princess Ivanka is a testament to the best practices of the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, ditto on the dermatologists, and probably spends more money on her hair in two weeks than I make in three months. All of that is a given.

And none of that matters to me, other than the fact that I think about all the actual good that money could have done if spent on something worthwhile. Believe it or not, when I see old pics, pre-surgery Ivanka, I think she is actually prettier. It is natural, not perfect, but her look shows some personality. Now, she’d “sculpted” perfectly, for sure, and that leaves her looking as stone-faced as her heart of stone.

Jared on the other hand? Really?

Yeah, really:

Um. That is not how people age. Men or women. Not without a shitload of pure vanity dollars spent. Seriously Jared? You not only have blood on your hands for your deals with MBS, but you’ve got plastic – or botox – all over your face? Perfect, just like your “wife,” who you are actually just borrowing from your father in-law since he sort of considers her his “real wife,” or at least “trophy daughter,” while Hope Hicks plays the role of Trump’s actual daughter.

Ivanka had clearly had a little work done by then, but still more natural, and – as I said, I think she looked better. Jared looks more human, but not all the way.

Trump would know.

Doesn’t explain it, but totally consistent with it.

Why does this matter? It doesn’t, obviously. But it is indicative of the degree of pure self-satisfaction that we’ve come to expect from these two – that sense of entitlement.

I want to be fair to others here. If a person has a physical feature that has always made them insecure, and impacted them personally, their confidence, who they are? I believe it can be healthy to have that feature addressed. Sure, we can be born with weird-looking stuff that sure isn’t anyone’s “fault.” If there is a feature that has held someone back because they’re just so embarrassed, or insecure about it, by all means, take care of your health. And because society can be so misogynistic and unfair to older women – if they’re beyond that vivacious baby-carrying age, that society and jackass men no longer “see them” and pass them over for raises, etc? I can’t fault any woman who does what she can to look younger – that’s what society near demands. That is not the woman’s fault at all. It’s a counter-punch, good job.

This stuff? It’s just self-absorption to the tilt. It is “I can afford to fix what might seem “wrong” at the height of young adult health and vigor. I can contort myself to look as perfect as I’m entitled to look, with my money.”

Of course, the one who is in the hall of fame surgical “re-do” is Melania. Looking at old pictures of her reveals an entirely different person. And because she is Melania, the look she chose to sculpt is that of a woman that looks angry and cynical, literally all the time. I suppose that is consistent, too.

Maybe surgery and botox actually reveal the real person underneath in some cases. Ivanka went from the cute/pretty girl to the stone-cold statue that fits her personality. (Rumor has it that she has had so much work on her nose that she can barely breathe through her nose, which is why she has her mouth open in just about every picture. I can’t confirm it, but look at every picture of her recently and yep – she’s pretty well always has her mouth open a little.)

Jared, much the same. Fairly good-looking guy, healthy, and yet he takes his look to what you’d expect to meet in a wax museum. Perfect, because he’ll melt if ever asked to do something to help someone else, at his expense, and not “branded” for the public.

Melania? Stone-cold killer. The picture with the gun and the plane was just too perfect.

It doesn’t matter, but one can’t help but notice.


Peace, y’all


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