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Laura Ingraham Says We Don’t Vote For Doctors or Healthcare Experts — So Listen to Trump

We join the three-way race for the world’s worst blonde live in progress, where Ingraham has used her evening burst of speed in an attempt to put some distance between her and Conway/Coulter. No one is quite sure what Ingraham was trying to say tonight, but I have an idea where she’s headed.

First, her words, using the term generously:

I think some very clever Fox technician slid the video of Kushner behind her on purpose – a little troll, to pass some time in the evening. Definitely no one voted for that little thieving ass.

Laura also texted this tonight, just to show us that she still has her racist bona fides in check:

Ha! What a card! Just like racists everywhere, she’s going with completely unproven bullshit racist anti-Chinese behavior (I am telling you, we will end up near at war with China before this is over, Trump needs to distract from his failures, will blame China and try to cancel our debts).

I suspect that Fox and Trump are getting tired of these doctors and all their careful science, and study stuff. Like everyone at Fox and on the money-side of the administration (which is everyone but Fauci, maybe Birx), they all want this over quick and cheap, they want the drug Hydroxychloroquine on the market, for whatever nefarious reasons. (We know it is nefarious because otherwise, they would await the doctor’s words on whether it is safe and something useful. It is already permitted to be used per physicians off-label, so what are they pushing, beyond broad distribution?)

But there is more going on here.  I cannot confirm whether this person in the tweet is Ingraham’s sister, I can confirm that the point is exactly right:


Pretty soon, within the next 4-6 weeks, serious pressure is going to come down from the people (especially conservatives) onto the government to open everything back up again. It will almost certainly start before the doctors say that society is ready, indeed it may be at a time when we’re right on the cusp of victory, and then snatch defeat out of that win, because Trump and company simply couldn’t wait any longer, and went against the scientists.

Ingraham is the one that said that she trusts Trump’s “instincts” over the doctors when it comes to medication and the disease.

She says that we didn’t elect doctors or nurses, but leaders. Set aside the fact that we didn’t “elect” Trump by a majority as a people, we elect leaders with the faith that those leaders will listen to experts, not just doctors, but engineers, diplomats, military leaders, and then after having listened to all the advice, make a call.

We did not elect a leader to put himself before us, value his priorities over ours, nor another nation’s needs over ours. Last, we didn’t elect propagandists on television networks, or any other Right-wing establishment, like Fox or the Federalist Society, to make decisions.

And fcking Kushner, no one thought that guy …


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom