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PBS Journalist Yamiche Alcindor Singes Snowflake Trump After He Slams Her on Twitter

Wow, every once in a while you slog through the Twitter cave, mining for some ore, and strike pure gold.

Yamiche Alcindor is at the top of her profession, White House correspondent for NPR, loved by her colleagues, surely highly paid, has an IQ of about 200 and a penchant for burrowing under Trump’s orange skin tunneling her way with a shovel of facts, and his own damned words. One can see the vessels in Trump’s brain want to burst every single time he has to answer one of her questions.

The remarkable thing is that the questions are not “gotcha” questions, not in any way. He perceives them as “gotcha” because she asks him to expound upon his own words – and that’s the last thing a person who speaks in cliches and angry fragments wants to do.

For all of us missing sports this quarantined afternoon, Yamiche Alcindor went one on one with Trump, and it was like a number one seed against a sixteen, for those of you who missed the NCAA tournament this year:

To wit:

And moving on:

Now, you can sort of see how it is that it is unfair for someone who uses complete sentences and analysis to go against someone who never thinks five seconds ahead:

And she’s nice, too! Invites him over to their business – virus be damned – for an interview in which he can have all the time in the world to explain his non-answers.

Trump hates being held to account for what he has said, and it is something that far too many other journalists let slide. The words of the president of the United States mean something, even when they are the utterances of a raving lunatic. This raving lunatic’s utterances are not meaningless because they are clues, and clues can be used to solve a mystery. The mystery being: What does this man really think is happening, and what are his plans?

It is a shame that the rest of the media hasn’t caught up to Alcindor (some are close), willing to use every word he utters. It was for this reason that it used to be (pre-Trump), that every word coming out of the White House was meticulously checked for factual accuracy, checked for spelling, grammar, checked for policy – both past policies and future and checked for unintended consequences. Trump doesn’t check his words against his own best interests – and then gets mad at Alcindor when she points out that he may have tripped upon his own tongue – again.

Hardly fair at all.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom