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Right-Wing Pastor: Trust Trump Because He’s Appointed By God To Be ‘Spiritually Above’ Experts Like Dr. Fauci

During one of his live-streams last week, right-wing pastor Curt Landry told his viewers that they should listen to Donald Trump and not medical experts when it comes to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak because Trump was chosen by God and therefore has greater spiritual authority.

“We are in a small window of time where we need to be decreeing, praying, believing, and speaking it out of our mouths—critical at this time—speaking out of our mouths and agreeing with what Donald Trump is saying and not some of his advisers,” Landry said.

He continued, “I’m talking to you spiritually. I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor, and I do respect Fauci’s knowledge, I respect where he comes from, and I respect him in his position that God has put him in. But in the order of spiritual alignment, Donald J. Trump is the Cyrus above him. As believers, we need to agree – I believe that God puts kings and leaders in their place, I believe God has put Donald Trump in his place as a Cyrus—and we need to agree with what he’s saying.”

Last week Landry also pushed his followers to never use a vaccine for coronavirus, once one is available.

“Do not pray, do not hope, do not think, ‘Oh, praise God they are going to have a vaccine,’” Landry said. “That vaccine is from the pit of Hell. Do not pray for those vaccines, and do not take the vaccine. These vaccines are going to be coming, they are not going to be good. They’re not good for you physically, and spiritually, they’re a set-up for what shall come later.”

Landry warned that “they are going to have a computer record of everybody who does take the vaccine,” which will allow them to know who will later accept the Mark of the Beast.

“In order for them to put the chip in, you are going to have proof and verification that you have had these vaccines,” he said. “If you won’t take the vaccines, then you don’t get the mark, and you can kind of figure out where that goes.”

Those are lofty claims with absolutely zero evidence. The “Mark of the Beast” is a reference to the book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, which is probably one of the most metaphoric books of the Christian Bible. As you can probably guess, there are no reference to vaccines. The idea that a vaccine is a tool of the devil should have been eradicated when polio disappeared.

It’s heartbreaking that anyone would listen to this loon:

Curt Landry Says Any Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Is From the Pit of Hell’ [4] from Right Wing Watch [5] on Vimeo [6].