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Trump Claims In Campaign Email That Donations Will Help Him Fight Coronavirus

Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has sent out an email asking for donations to fight the coronavirus.

The email asked supporters to make a campaign contribution as Trump oversaw efforts to fight the COVID-19 outbreak that has already claimed more than 11,000 lives.

“It’s no secret that our Nation was hit with a huge unforeseen challenge,” the email reads.

“We are in the midst of an all-out war with a dangerous invisible enemy, and our success will require the full measure of our strength, love and devotion.”

The Trump administration has been widely criticized for its slow response to the outbreak, and has been accused of wasting weeks of preparation time as the virus spread from China to the United States starting in January.

“While I’m fighting for the safety of our Nation and its citizens,” the email continues, “I need to know that you are fighting for me, too.”

The re-election campaign promised a personalized gold card to supporters who made contributions.

Before the outbreak, Trump’s reelection effort staked much of its messaging on a booming economy and record low unemployment numbers.

Regardless of what was happening in Washington, aides felt they could rely on an economic message to see them through until November.

Those aides are now dealing with a new reality, one that includes a stock market that has essentially erased its Trump-era gains, a record 6.6 million unemployment claims last week and dire financial conditions that many Americans now found themselves in.

Trump repeatedly downplayed the severity of the outbreak from the beginning, claiming it was “under control,” undermining and contradicting his own experts, and setting social distancing guidelines that many public health experts warn came too late.

Nevertheless, the campaign’s message is that Trump is a leader, and he is “winning” the war against the virus.