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Trump Gets Nasty With Female Reporter When He Doesn’t Like HOW She Asked a Question, ‘You Ask it in Such an Unfair Way’

Trump began his daily commercial without talking about anything specific beyond “so and so does a great job” and saying things as trite as commenting upon the number of stars on a serviceman’s uniform, sounding like a toddler. Trump spent the first ten minutes speaking and thanking without having said anything newsworthy until stating that Gavin Newsom would send an extra 500 ventilators to where they are more needed and that the federal government would decide where to go.

Trump once again stressed that states were to get as much material as they could “directly” – as if the federal government shouldn’t have to be bothered – but Trump continually wants to name new parties to bear the blame. Trump condescendingly said that the Governor of Illinois is now “happy,” said in that voice that sounds like a four-year-old.

No, other than the comment about California’s plan.

He discussed the fact that he spoke to Vice President Biden, Trump said that they had a very friendly conversation that lasted about fifteen minutes. Trump managed to talk about it without a single snarky note, and actually sincerely said it was very nice, then moved on. It was the single most impressive thing Trump has said in the news conference, and it is not an incredible accomplishment.

A second company has moved into phase two for the vaccine trials, which is news, though anticipated, and still a long way off.

Trump continues to brag about the rapid rate of testing, and that no one has done more testing. Trump doesn’t say that we haven’t tested as high a percentage as other countries.

Amazingly, Trump said “some people say that if you don’t test, you have no cases,” which sounds exactly like Trump’s prior plan – do not test, and thus no positives.

This is the entire first 20 minutes of the press conference, with the only news made noted above:

Trump then berated another female reporter for asking a question he didn’t like:


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom