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Trump Melts Down on Twitter and Accuses Fox News of Siding with Democrats and Demands ‘An Alternative Now!’

Maybe Fox executives had a meeting in which it was discussed: “We backed a guy who said that it was contained, then said it would be zero, he said hydroxychloroquine would cure it, and then he mused about injecting people with bleach. Is it possible that we backed the wrong horse and perhaps Hillary might have actually been a better president?”

Probably not. But Trump sure thinks they had a meeting and decided to go after Trump. Trump took his thumb to phone early Sunday evening and tapped out angrily against Fox, Chris Wallace, Nancy Pelosi and everyone else in the way of his greatness:

I would like to first point out that I am pretty sure it was about mid-grade school when we stopped using derivations of people’s names as an insult, e.g. “Deface the Nation …” Ha ha, what a joker. He’s so quick. We should also point out that presidents often are frustrated with the media’s coverage. Trump is the first who believes he is owed perfect coverage and slathering praise from one organization (thanks “President” Trump, notice he got the title in there “President,” so I guess he won’t be chewed out by Kayleigh).

Most of us do not watch Fox News consistently, and thus we’d be guessing as to what it was that set him off, though the inclusion of Chris Wallace specifically might be a clue.

One of the things about cults (though I am no expert) is that they seem to demand increasing intensity in belief or calls to action. A movement that has “made it” and thus has nowhere to move, falls apart. It must be moving ever right, as many viewers are moving on to OAN:

Even Hannity seems worried about making it PC lately? This man above might be referencing the fact that perhaps Hannity has acknowledged that COVID 19 is real, and it is not cured by hydroxychloroquine or Chlorox, nor Lysol, and I suppose that makes someone “PC” to a few people in the crowd. To Hannity’s lawyer, it makes him “more likely to keep judgments to seven figures and not eight in the pending lawsuits.

Many of us cannot even spell OAN, never mind find it on our cable package, but in response tweets to Trump the network is coming up more and more often. As near as one can tell, OAN is Fox without the left-leaning commentary. Yes, it is that bad.

Some research reveals what Trump’s problem might be:

God forbid Wallace interview Pelosi. Because Wallace didn’t chew Speaker Pelosi up and spit her out, viewers are in a rage because they interpret him throwing her “softballs.”

Perhaps this is giving us a clue:

Trump seems intent on avoiding the embarrassment that should be heaped upon him due to his disinfectant comment. Many serious people, Paul Krugman among them, believe that the Lysol moment might spell Trump’s doom. Krugman believes that it was in that moment that Trump “ceased to be president.”

It would seem that far Right-wingers are upset about video having to do with Lysol, and yet no coverage of the “Tara Reid” issue. Tara Reid has accused Joe Biden of unwanted advances, sexual assault. I have yet to hear what Reid’s accusations amount to or whether they are credible. If they are credible than obviously Biden must step down – we don’t run sexual assailants, but it would seem there is not much “there” there – which is why the Right-wing wants those stories run.

They don’t want Lysol stories.

Trump doesn’t want Lysol stories. But mostly Trump doesn’t want a fair, down the middle interview of Nancy Pelosi. That is because Nany Pelosi is not the sub-human, fire-breathing monster she is depicted as on the Right. If she’s interviewed straight-up, people might notice that they agree with what she’s saying. Such a fact is dangerous to Trump.

Thus it is that we get a Sunday evening tweetstorm by Trump, who is never afraid to let people know what is up in his mind in the moment.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom