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Trump Said Democrats Should Not Be ‘Allowed to Win’ and People are Getting Worried

This man has no filter, and sometimes it is infuriating – we have to hear things about grabbing women, and how hot his daughter is in his eyes, all kinds of terrible stuff. Sometimes we hear things that we want to toss off as meaningless, more braggadocio, just more Trump being Trump. And yet while there are many occasions when one should just toss aside such utterances from Trump’s vacuous skull, there are other times when one really should pay attention.

Because the other thing that Trump likes to do is tell you what he wants to do. He likes to tell you his plans, especially if they’re bold or controversial.

Trump cannot keep a secret. Trump is not sly. Trump doesn’t know how to do things that aren’t in your face. To Trump, it is not a victory unless you know you are losing. That is why it drove me crazy to hear the “aside” Trump mentioned during today’s press conference. Rawstory summaries [1] the scene:

Near the end of President Donald Trump’s Monday press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic, the president said that Democrats “shouldn’t be allowed to win” the election after everything he has done with regard to the pandemic — and said that the virus has “artificially stopped” them.

That should make you shudder. It makes me shudder.

Because it sure sounds to me like Trump believes in his mind that he was doing SUCH a great job before the disease arose, that the fact that coronavirus “knocked off” the economy and sent the country into a tailspin, is not his fault, and that he would surely win. Thus Democrats should not be allowed to win, because if a Democrat “wins,” it would be based on how Trump handled the crisis – and he perceives that to be “unfair.” Trump believes in “fairness” when it comes to elections, and its “unfair” to compare where the country stands now over where it was in January (when he was being impeached for a crime).

Remember, this is a man who has floated that he should get an extra 18 months tacked on to his tenure because he had to endure a Russian investigation. This is a man who I believe is ready to do anything to keep himself in office. If he believes it is “unfair” that the economy got really bad, and that the crisis was handled badly (which he will blame upon Obama, like everything else), I could foresee a situation where he declares a “national emergency” and attempts to put off an election “until the economy recovers” to where he wants it.

I know, it is insane. It is just as insane as saying the Democrats should not be “allowed” to win. To “allow” someone to win means you “let” it happen. Is he proposing that he will do something that won’t let it happen?

The net had some concerns, too, I wasn’t the only one who noticed:



That is exactly what I am saying, and I don’t think enough people are listening.

“Shouldn’t be ALLOWED to win.”

He feels aggrieved. He had the win in his mind. The disease might take it from him. He won’t allow that. It shouldn’t be “allowed.” You can see his mind working.

Please help pass around the awareness – this is his thought process.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom