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Trump Says He Is the Victim, ‘It Is So Unfair’ While Still Trying to ‘Own the Libs’

The New York Times has a fantastic retrospective piece [1] out today about the effort made by the Fox-Limbaugh-Facebook-MAGA  supporters’ in denying that the coronavirus was anything more than a cold and a liberal plot, and then that same group’s quick pivot, turning the matter into an “own the libs” thing by blaming Democrats and the individual states.

Frank Luntz, the veteran political strategist who advises Republican leaders, said many on the right were applying the scornful, “own the libs” mentality of social media to a deadly and frightening health crisis.

But one of the most shocking things that comes through in the coverage is the sense of entitlement and victimization from the Right. They have their own ecosystem, nothing penetrates it. Yet Trump still complains about how “unfair” the media has been to him about the whole crisis, that he is the real victim here!

Mr. Trump has also cast himself as a victim. “It’s so unfair. It’s so unfair,” he said last week to Mr. Hannity on Fox News. “If we could only have a fair media in this country, our country.”

So there you have it. It is all unfair to Trump. I am glad I did not see this last week because I might have gone through a window in real-time. The people suffocating in ICUs aren’t victims of Trump’s catastrophic failure, the small businesses that are falling all over the country, and the six million unemployed who filed this last month, they’re all just political hassles. Not once has Trump tweeted out condolences to the families. But he has let us know that it is Trump who is the one truly victimized. “It’s so unfair!”

And watch that last statement as a very very scary thing: “If only we could have a fair media in this country, our country.” Coming from a man who occasionally calls Fox “too PC” in its coverage, that should terrify people for two reasons: One, you almost expect him to add, “like my two friends Vlad and MBS have in their countries.” Two, this man isn’t big on following laws or the constitution, and one can envision a scenario – especially if he gets a second term – where he does attempt some sort of control of the media.

It gets so tedious following this man, but every effort has to be made. He is dangerous.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom