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Kayleigh Said Obama ‘Went Golfing’ When Daniel Pearl Was Beheaded (Obama Was in the Illinois State Senate That Day)

Kayleigh McEnany is one to watch very closely. She will say anything at any time, to anyone if she believes it helps Trump.  She was a birther, the original Trump sin, and a lie disproven a million times over.

It used to be that one wouldn’t be considered for a position like White House Press Secretary without a reputation for impeccable honesty. A press secretary might be very skilled at bending words, or leaving out some context, but never outright lying, never intentionally fooling the American people. The press are the American people’s representatives in that media room, and a lie to reporters is a lie to Americans. That was then.

Kayleigh McEnany lies like someone with a mental illness. We are talking Kellyanne Conway “Bowling Green Massacre” types of lies. We are talking lies like this lie, told in 2017.

That is not just a lie, that is a particularly hateful lie. She was not in any way confused, she did not make a mistake. McEnany was 14 years old in 2002, so it is not like she somehow “misremembered” something. Moreover, nothing McEnany does is by accident, she is a Harvard law grad and just plays the bimbo blonde to further her purposes.

Somehow, against impossible odds, the administration has managed to continue to descend into greater incompetence, more hatred, and deeper cynicism. From Spicer to Sarah, to Stephanie, and now Kayleigh, steps down all, and that’s just press secretary. The same has happened in every department:

And that makes me fear for the future because as I keep telling people, Trump has a far better shot at winning than any on the left ever really acknowledge.

No one will want to work for him in a second term, they’ll have seen how people get chewed up and spit out. Trump will be a one-man executive branch, aka a “fascist dictator,” surrounded by people like Kayleigh McEnany, some of the most dangerous Americans out there, those willing to say or do anything to promote Trump, even if it means holding the country back.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak