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Trump’s Own Advisers are Telling Him His Daily Coronavirus Briefings are a Joke

Wow, Trump is in one hell of a quandary now. We just reported earlier today that Trump is feeling pent-up and going stir crazy in the White House, not being able to get out and fly around the country to talk-up his greatness to adoring fans, and thus limited to two crazed hours of sheer press conference lunacy, trying to match the respect that Cuomo gets for his news conferences earlier in the day. It is his only outlet, and for a while – it worked, people saw him as “leading.”

Not anymore. Indeed, people are seeing the opposite, and it has Republicans and Trump advisers telling him to tone it back or cut them off altogether. He is not going to like that all – now what is he going to do? Probably still do the pressers, but that’s trouble, per the New York Times [1]:

As unemployment soars and the death toll skyrockets, and new polls show support for the president’s handling of the crisis sagging [2], White House allies and Republican lawmakers increasingly believe the briefings are hurting the president more than helping him. Many view the sessions as a kind of original sin from which all of his missteps flow, once he gets through his prepared script and turns to his preferred style of extemporaneous bluster and invective.

No shit?

Yes, they are “increasingly” hurting him, and have since about the third day, after it was obvious that he had nothing original to say each day, and that it would be obvious that he would descend into madness by the time the reporters got to questions:

Mr. Trump “sometimes drowns out his own message,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who has become one of the president’s informal counselors and told him “a once-a-week show” could be more effective. Representative Susan Brooks of Indiana said “they’re going on too long.” Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said the briefings were “going off the rails a little bit” and suggested that he should “let the health professionals guide where we’re going to go.”

You will, of course, note that each of those is a friendly way of saying; “He’s killing himself out there! He sounds like an idiot! How about ten minutes and then the experts! How about one  week!”

It’s all the same thing. The more Trump “uncut” we get, the more damage he does to his chances. I’m torn. It is agony to cover them, and yet they are hurting him badly. Nah – keep going, buddy. You can overcome the bad ratings. Don’t listen to them!!


Peace, y’all


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