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Brutal New Ad Destroys Trump for Playing Golf During Pandemic, ‘Trump Golfs, You Die’

As we reported this morning, Trump chose to go golfing even though he knows exactly how bad this looks from a political standpoint. We know he knows because he continually called out Obama for playing golf, and that was during good times.

Trump said that it “sends the wrong signal.” Trump was strongly against presidential golf when the president was a black man. Now? Even during a pandemic, Trump fought his way to get back out to the golf course. Of course, he makes money by golfing, too.

So our friends at Meidas Touch [1] went to work, and almost by the time Trump had finished his round, the punishing ad that Trump deserved was out, near surely because it was half done a week or two ago. Everyone knows Trump just cannot help himself.

Besides, in case you missed it, the pandemic is over, mostly – according to Trump.

A president should just hang up the clubs for those years and give himself or herself over to the country? You heard him, that’s what he said back then when the president was black. As much as we didn’t like George Bush, at least he knew he made a mistake in golfing once during the beginning of the war and didn’t make the same mistake again.

It doesn’t help that it is Memorial Day weekend, the weekend that we’re supposed to at least acknowledge that some gave their lives to this country.

Yes, it was only a matter of time.

I suppose if he must go golfing he may as well do it as he begins to really campaign in earnest for reelection, subjecting himself to this kind of easy-prey ad (though hard to do with this quality and speed). This will surely get American blood boiling. He is mocking us now. But he’s also making Biden’s job easier.



Peace, y’all


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