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Conservative Website ‘Washington Examiner’ Questions Trump’s Fitness for Office

To establish the conservative bona fides of the Washington Examiner, one needs only to read the vast majority of the editorial cited below, which takes voluminous space to attack liberals that supposedly invented the conspiracy theory against Joe Scarborough. It is more than “overdone.”

But there is value to the editorial besides the assertion that Trump may be unfit to even lead.

They go over the facts that Trump is ignoring, principally that Joe Scarborough was in Washington, DC at the time Lori Klausutis died. Joe voted in Congress the day she passed and the day after. Moreover, Lori had an undiagnosed mitral valve issue that caused her to pass out and hit her head. Simply put, there is nothing at all to this conspiracy theory and there never has been.

Even if there once were questions, and there were not, Trump is the single last person, as president, who should be bringing them up. Trump is trying to punish Joe Scarborough for criticizing him. NO ONE is allowed to criticize Trump and “get away with it.” Trump sent out yet another tweet attacking Scarborough on the “cold case” again this morning, amidst an overwhelming but predictable tweetstorm.

The Examiner [1] appears to be done with it and him:

Whatever his issues with Scarborough, President Trump’s crazed Twitter rant on this subject [2] was vile and unworthy of his office. Some will undoubtedly shrug it off as Trump being Trump, but one could hardly be blamed for reading it and doubting his fitness to lead.

To say Trump owes Scarborough an apology is to put it mildly. But in the end, Scarborough won’t be the one hurt by this. Against a weak opponent, Trump somehow managed in 2016 to win despite carrying on with sad, deluded conspiracy theories about Sen. Ted Cruz’s father being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Against a less reviled opponent, he may not be so lucky in 2020.

And observers might even someday look back at this incident as the instant when things began to unravel.

In our opinion, Trump has flat lost it. He is over the edge and is clearly now unfit to lead. The last 5 days have been beyond absurd. and beyond painful.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom