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Furious Trump Just Attacked Obama for Golfing During Coronavirus Pandemic, ‘His Wife Michelle Urged People to Stay Home!’

Trump continues one of his single worst days as president, again taking to Twitter, where he has already had a horrific day, to assert his conclusion about Obama spying, then turning to a totally unrelated subject: Obama golfing.

This is absurd and reckless behavior by a childish president. Objective review of these tweets is near impossible and it’s time to insert some analysis because this is seemingly obvious evidence that Trump is in a precipitous decline in judgment, possibly due to the increasing pressure he is under with his poll numbers tanking and the crisis getting worse for him.

His tweets are embarrassing to publish but they remain the words and thoughts of the president of the United States and thus should be publicized:

And he wasn’t done:

Poor baby. Everybody is just so mean and unfair to him! He is always the victim, always, because the whole world is out to get him and he just finds it so unfair.

His continuing “victimhood” is quite possibly evidence that Trump has gone over the edge and several prominent analysts said as much over the weekend.

The Obama administration has not been “caught” spying on Trump or the Trump campaign. They spied on the single most prominent Russian spy in the United States, as they should! The spy just happened to be communicating a great deal with a Trump campaign surrogate.

We cannot possibly care less about whether Obama was golfing over the weekend or what Michelle Obama may or may not have said. Unfortunately Barack Obama is no longer president. The guidelines issued permitted golf if done carefully with social distance and other cautions.

The president of the United States of America is constantly on Twitter, continuously hurting people and accusing people of acts that they did not do. He remains obsessed with Barack Obama. Donald Trump has taken the most exalted office on earth and made it so small it will take a generation to recover, if ever.


The response was exactly what you’d expect:


Poor baby.


The polls do seem to be contributing to his decline.

An 11 percent deficit.

So sad.

There is a growing consensus that this is just continuous whining.


Wow. End on that one.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom