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GOP Analysts: Trump Is ‘Dead in the Water’ and Will Take Republican Senate Down With Him

It would appear that with deaths in the six figures, unemployment soaring above 41 million, Minneapolis burning, and masks becoming too “PC” for conservatives to wear, people have serious concerns. This is happening all while Trump is tweeting about Joe Scarborough, screaming at Twitter, golfing his fat ass off, and calling himself “arguably” the greatest president in history. It isn’t going over well. Polls show Trump tanking.

Republican analysts see the polls and have their own polls. They are now terrified that Trump is going to do what we have always thought he’d do. They worry Trump is going to destroy the Republican party.

Everything Trump touches “dies.” From Rawstory via CNN: [1]

According to Warren and Nobles, GOP sources told them that “public polls showing Trump trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden mirror what they are finding in their own private polls, and that the trend is bleeding into key Senate races…. The job of protecting its slim three-seat majority has only gotten harder as the pandemic has unfolded. States like Arizona and North Carolina, once thought to be home to winnable Senate races, now appear in jeopardy.”

Yes, we know. But go on:

The coronavirus pandemic, Warren and Nobles point out, has “destroyed many of the economic gains” that Republicans were hoping to campaign on this year. And one of the GOP strategists they quote anonymously told CNN, “This is the one thing (Trump) cannot change the subject on. This is not a political opponent; this is not going way, and he has never had to deal with something like this.”

Perhaps that’s why Trump has been screaming at aides that “this is so unfair” as if HE is the real victim of the crisis. It isn’t “fair” that he couldn’t do a good job when a crisis hit, we have suffered.

Another Republican strategist was especially dire, telling CNN, “Absent some sort of V-shaped recovery, many people think (Trump) is dead in the water.” And a source Warren and Nobles describe as a “Republican congressional campaign consultant” told CNN, “It’s a very, very tough environment. If you have a college degree and you live in suburbia, you don’t want to vote for us.”

And you just now figured that out? Apparently they weren’t watching in 2018, which – perhaps they need a reminder, happened before the big pandemic. It happened because a huge majority of women voted, and voted for the Democrats.

Yes. Two more things. The constant Twitter meltdowns and the babyish temper-tantrum against Twitter for two disclaimers, those are hurting Trump almost as much as the pandemic. Last? Trump’s disgusting treatment of women will make it such that 65% of women will vote against Trump, at least that’s our projection.

So, there you have it. Some good news to cover the bad news. The public has noticed that Trump can’t get the job done, and Republican analysts seem to know it. November can’t come fast enough.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom