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People in Disbelief After Trump Starts Lighting Fires on Twitter: ‘FAKE NEWS Fomenting Hatred and Anarchy!’

How many attacks must our media face before someone dies? I ask because Trump has done all he can over four years to make the media his enemy, and the enemy of the MAGA heads.

We know that the cops have been shooting at (rubber bullets), tear-gassing, and arresting reporters in the last few nights.

It has been only getting worse and Trump is – as always – only getting worse himself.  (Much more below). Let’s set the scene going into Trump’s latest tweet:

Today might be his lowest day yet, he has already tweeted four times this morning, one of which was to declare “ANTIFA” a terrorist organization. He would have done better labeling some police departments as terrorist organizations (Not all, some are doing fantastic work). But most of his tweets have been nothing but self-serving bullshit, blaming Democratic mayors, trying to divide a nation that is about to come apart.

Shit like this is going to get someone killed:

“Truly bad people” with a “sick agenda.” What a mother fffff, he IS going to get someone killed, and the cops can say that they fired about “truly bad people with a sick agenda” so of course, they needed to be “dispersed.” Once Trump declares someone an “enemy” of the country, as Trump has, many believe that they have a right to kill the “enemy.”

We are losing our First Amendment rights, right before our eyes. Oh, except the “freedom of [white] religions.”

Of course, the huge “irony” (if one can even use that word in this situation) is that Trump is the man who has been fomenting hatred, fanning the flames, whatever one wants to call it, Trump has been dividing the nation.

Right. Except Trump has 42% of the nation (and that is IT) that are willing to say “Yes, sir” and agree to anything the god-like Trump says.

We are headed straight to tyranny and the most “patriotic” (self-proclaiming) are the ones ushering it in.

Someone is going to get killed. George Floyd already has.



We will leave it with this. To be honest, sometimes it is easier to believe that a Russian agent has control of Trump’s twitter account than a U.S. president. It couldn’t be more exquisitely set to destroy this country.

Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom