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People Questioning Trump’s Mental Fitness After He Says He ‘Just Returned From India’

Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday challenging how social media companies oversee posts and content on their site — though experts doubt the order has much power, and at the end of the signing he took some questions and made some rather….strange comments.

“We’re here today to defend free speech from one of the greatest dangers,” Trump said before signing the order, which directs government agencies in charge of communications to see if they can further regulate social media companies. But experts tell The Associated Press that Trump’s attempt to curtail “censorship” will probably end up forcing social media platforms to further crack down on controversial posts, seeing as Trump has taken aim at a provision that excepts those platforms from being prosecuted for user-generated content.

The move comes just days after Twitter labeled two of Trump’s tweets on mail-in ballots as misleading, with links to a fact-check page on the matter. Trump claimed Twitter has “unchecked power” in the public sphere and has become biased, suggesting without evidence that social media tries to “edit” and “silence” conservatives.

During the question and answer session, Trump was asked a question by an Indian reporter and Trump joked that the reporter only asks questions about India, and then commented that he “just returned from India” and that he “just beat COVID.”

Ummm, what?

Trump was in India in February…three months ago…and I have no idea what he means when he says he beat COVID. I think he means that he returned to the US from India before all the international flights were shut down due to COVID? It’s difficult to understand Trumpspeak.

Since Trump didn’t just return from India, many people on Twitter are questioning Trump’s mental fitness: