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REPORT: Trump Hid From Protestors in Underground White House Bunker

Trump worked hard today to shrink into the smallest president to hold office, grunting 2-3 word tweets, referencing himself in 3rd person (“Thanks President Trump!” –  he said, no comma, idiot), he threatened people by retweeting an assertion that only “overwhelming force” could put down protesters, and urging cops to “get tougher.” This is the man who is supposedly a “tough president,” according to the MAGAs. “He doesn’t take no shit,” is one characterization I’ve read.

I don’t know the last time a president was taken underground to a bunker, probably the staff during 9-11, when Bush wasn’t there. It was probably the secret services call. But he went down for just under an hour. Want to know what I think a “tough” president would do? One that doesn’t take any shit? Put on some jeans, some boots, a button-down shirt, and walk his or her ass out to the street and have ten people picked out to come in and talk.

Trump didn’t do that. From Mediaite.

Lemon then read a breaking news report, stating that while protesters gathered outside the White House Friday evening, Trump was ” briefly taken to the White House underground bunker for a period of time,” citing as sources a “White House official” and a “law enforcement source.”

Trump was reportedly in the bunker for a little under an hour before being brought back upstairs. It was unknown whether his wife Melania Trump or son Barron Trump accompanied him.

Let me guess as to “unknowns.” I am guessing that Trump didn’t know, either, whether Melania and Barron were taken underground. For a “tough guy,” he’s awfully small in terms of taking care of his family. He takes care of number one, always.

In the same way, Trump isn’t taking care of this country, he is taking care of number one, hoping to sound “tough” and harden his base.

Perhaps no president could suppress all the violence. But a good one could lighten it. A good president could announce he or she was going city to city, over three days, to listen to protesters. Take some notes. Speak peacefully, say he or she hears them, they deserve to be heard, and start talking about possible solutions.

I am no president. But it doesn’t seem that “tough” to me to do more than he has, and I bet most people reading this could think of far better ideas. As for Trump? He’s hiding in his basement. The Secret Service might have led him down this evening. But Trump encouraged the situation to develop as it has. In other words, he did put his own ass down there, where he’s never looked smaller.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom