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Trump Has Dodged Taking His Physical for Six Months and the White House Won’t Say Why

There is an uneasy tension that has always laid between the fact that there is generally a zone of privacy regarding one’s medical health, including the president, and the clear fact that the American people have a right to know if the president isn’t up to the job. We have the most devastating arsenal of weapons to ever be assembled, the person in charge of such possible devastation should be of sound health and mind.

Yet it is just another “Trump fact” that he displays every symptom on God’s earth, and then hides his records, no different than his taxes. We thought we had a straight-up report from Dr. Jackson two years ago, only to later find out that Dr. Jackson was a political hack Trumper, who is a bit insane himself.

And of course, there is the fact that Trump was rushed to Walter Reed for a “quick jump” on his annual physical, which was suspected to be bullshit at the time, and a promise to release stuff in the spring when he “finished.” Of course, spring is now over, and the White House ain’t talking.

We at this site have reported for months on the fact that the “Walter Reed incident” was never sufficiently explained, and that Trump was “late” on getting his physical. Now the mainstream news media seems to be catching up with us, as we see from NBC News [1]:

It’s been more than six months since President Donald Trump claimed to have started his annual physical [2] at Walter Reed hospital but the White House is declining to explain why he has yet to complete the yearly doctor’s examination.

Senior administration officials did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment about the delay — despite Trump announcing this week [3] he was taking an unproven and potentially dangerous drug after being exposed to an aide who tested positive for coronavirus.

Trump is the one who brought up his own health, voluntarily, we presume for his own purposes. He should now at least feel some responsibility to provide answers. But given that Trump doesn’t believe in democracy or answers, it wouldn’t seem like we’re going to get any.

More bad news:

Conley replaced Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who left the job in a failed nomination to serve as secretary of Veteran Affairs.

Two sources with direct knowledge tell NBC News that Jackson handpicked Conley as his successor and that Conley is viewed by many within the White House Medical Unit as having been unfairly promoted to the job of physician to the president without proper vetting.

Who would have guessed? Hand-picked, improperly vetted, and a guy that has signed off on the “mystery tour” of Walter Reed as a routine thing is Trump’s personal physician.

We have absolutely no idea as to whether Trump is healthy. We only know that he’s clearly demonstrated some severe “inconsistencies” and “weird” aspects that suggest some very serious stuff might be going on.

Trump should expect Joe Biden, who has lost weight, is physically fit, and is preparing to release his full medical records – to challenge Trump to undergo a complete physical by an independent medical group, someone who isn’t a “Trump employee,” meaning a hand-picked physician. Trump won’t do it, which will tell us something right there.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom