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Trump is Back Screaming on Twitter About ‘Mourning in America’ Ad and Claims He’s Our ‘Favorite President’

I cannot believe that this is an adult on the other end of this Twitter account, never mind the president of the United States. One good thing about this, though – it clearly relates to the people who make up the Lincoln Project, whose ad “Mourning in America” is still bouncing through Trump’s mind and has Trump fuming. He also has to once again do the humiliating “me” thing in his tweets:

Beat “so easily?” He didn’t “beat” anyone in 2018, moreover, he had fewer overall votes in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, and also had serious help from at least one foreign government. The question should be turned on its head. If he’s so great and got so much help from Russia, how is it that he managed to lose the popular vote and needed to squeak through the mid-west with 70,000 votes over three states.

He whines all the time. We cannot comment on medical symptoms right before our eyes except to affirm he’s crazy.

Righ – so by that rationale, the people at the Lincoln Project are some of the tightest hinged people on the planet.

Oh, I am not sure about that. There is a lot of the world that thinks we’re getting exactly what we deserve. We voted his ass in … sort of.

We have an original take!! None of us had thought of it this way before. Patient zero for TDS is Trump himself!

We cannot see this enough. The video of the moment Trump realizes he’s getting boo’ed.

Yes, why don’t we end on the ad that is driving Trump insane, it’s been almost a week now, and Trump is still fuming. That’s a great sign.


Peace, y’all
