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Trump Mocks Reporter For Wearing a Mask, ‘You Just Want to Be Politically Correct!’

Donald Trump denied mocking former Vice President Joe Biden for wearing a mask to an outdoor Memorial Day event, then appeared to do just that to a reporter who insisted on keeping his face covering on during a Rose Garden event on Tuesday.

“You want to be politically correct,” the president said to Reuters reporter Jeff Mason, whom he had asked to remove his mask to ask a question more audibly.

“No. I just want to wear the mask,” Mason shot back, his mask in place.

First Trump said he didn’t mock Biden for wearing a mask, but thought it was odd he would wear a mask outside. Remember Trump’s own CDC guidelines call for wearing a mask.

Then Trump mocked Mason for wearing a mask, and claimed he was doing so to be “politically correct.” Sick.

Then then repeated his disgusting claim about Joe Scarborough and called for an investigation:

Here’s the President* of the United States calling loyal FBI and intelligence community employees slimebags:

And here is Trump just simply lying: