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Trump Suggests Black People Aren’t a Part of ‘MAGA’ With Stunning Statement, ‘MAGA Loves the Black People’

Donald Trump had one of the most stunning episodes of “chopper talk” we have ever witnessed on Saturday, while on the way to Florida to watch a rocket launch. He is shifting into high gear, pouring glass on the fire from a helicopter.

Trump again urged the police to “get tougher” and threatened to unleash the military, the federal military, the honest to god Army and Marines, to take to the streets, if Minnesota’s National Guard cannot get sufficiently “tough” to dissuade the protesters.

Trump seems to be looking for a reason to declare martial law. It looks like Trump is asking for police to get “tough” enough to mow down protesters (remember, “looting” and “shooting”) or he will declare martial law and use the federal military to enforce the “peace.”

It also looks like Minnesota’s governor is making a very odd move, labeling the protesters as 80% outsiders who “want nothing to do with decency.” The tensions seem ready to rip apart.

Some believe that white supremacists are moving in to both make the BLM movement look bad and take advantage of the anarchy. The only thing Trump seems to want is chaos.

It is true that Trump seems to be calling his supporters to descend onto the White House Saturday night. Is he setting up a situation to call in the military?

It is not legal to use the military in civilian law-enforcement under the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. But Trump hasn’t checked with the lawyers, apparently, nor does he seem to be looking into it.

He is further inflaming racial tensions by saying that “MAGA loves black people,” setting out “black people” from his MAGA crowd.

It does sound like he’s already separated the MAGA-head cult from “black people.” “They” love African American people? He is admitting that the MAGA movement is “white.” Then he falsely says they “love” black people. It wouldn’t need to be said if it were true.

Of course he’s not worried about increasing racial tensions and his language. He takes no responsibility for his actions or failures. The most interesting question is whether Trump intends to increase racial division, or whether he’s being manipulated into it by people like Stephen Miller, or both. It would be exceedingly difficult to increase racial animosity between conservative whites and people of color as efficiently as Trump is managing it.

Tonight is going to be terrifying.

Twitter is just…disgusted:


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom