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Trump Threatens to Shut Down Twitter for Fact-Checking His Tweets: ‘Clean Up Your Act, NOW!!!’

Donald Trump sure seems extremely mad and humiliated by Twitter’s action yesterday. Twitter is concerned about politicians using their platform to lie and are starting to add links to the actual facts within tweets that have a significant lie within it.

Yesterday Twitter put such a link in a Trump tweet for the first time. Trump should be rejoicing. He can continue to tweet whatever he wants.

Twitter only inserted a small little link saying “Get the Facts” and many people believe that the step – though critically important – wasn’t adequate.

Trump has rage-tweeted since last Friday on any number of subjects, including false allegations against Joe Scarborough that inflict the deepest pain imaginable on the Lori Klausutis family. Twitter could have, and still might, do much more to somehow restrain Trump, who seems out of control.

Regardless, Trump is in a rage. He has twice now tweeted a threat to close Twitter down over this “link.” Trump seems to see this new policy as a serious threat to his M.O. and with campaign season coming, he can’t have Twitter inserting links to facts within his tweets.

He says he will close Twitter and all social media down, but only when he perceives them to be against conservatives. This is a dictatorial threat. “I will close down media, private companies, that don’t bend to my will or criticize me.”


Twitter is a private company, not one of the networks broadcasting over public airwaves. A private company, using private servers, can boot his ass off Twitter if they don’t like his hair. No private company is under any duty to publish Trump’s social media musings. If Trump wants, he can find another platform that will publish his lies with gusto!

But Trump’s not interested in finding another company because he knows this one is unique. It is why he spends soooo much time on it. He believes he can control Twitter. He cannot. But his beliefs open a window to a deeper, much more concerning truth. He genuinely wants to control these companies and bend them to his will. Dictators do that.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom