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When Will America Ever Reckon with Trump’s Rape Allegations, Including Alleged Rape of a 13 Year Old?

This website is owned and run by women, they employ one guy who’s the dad of a young girl. We stand firmly in support of #MeToo and fully believe every woman should be heard, and every case investigated. Joe Biden is not only no exception, as a presidential candidate, he is under a heightened standard to answer specific questions and allow a very thorough and independent investigation. If it appears he sexually assaulted any woman, ever, then delegates should nominate a candidate at a brokered convention, Andrew Cuomo or Gretchen Whitmer would be two obvious possibilities.

But it is long past time that this country makes a serious demand that Donald Trump stand and answer to the many forcible rape allegations against Trump, the even greater number of sexual assaults and attempted sexual assaults and the lewd and disrespectful behavior he has always shown toward women. He is on tape bragging that he sexually assaults women! He was VERY good friends with Jeffery Epstein, a man who specialized in one thing only. And yes, it is a different world now in 2020 than in 2016. Sexual assault was always wrong, but now we demand that women be heard, that power won’t protect someone, and we’re never going back.

When in our history has a president ever been sued for raping a 13-year-old?

Mika is making a false choice. No, not all women or men are automatically to be believed in any criminal allegation, and that was not said in the Kavanaugh investigation. Every woman heard deserves a very serious and thorough investigation and conclusions made by independent and disinterested parties. Joe Biden should be prepared to undergo a very serious investigation and we should be prepared to believe Tara Reade after an investigation done by professionals who know how to investigate these types of sensitive matters.

The tweet above references the most heinous rape allegation against Donald Trump. No, it is not “automatically” to be believed. But this nation has not even reckoned with the fact that it was filed – and then “dropped” as cases against wealthy men often are. Wealthy and powerful men can offer choices almost as bad as the original assault, shut up and take the money, or there might be an accident. Believe me, it is not lost on anyone – especially women – that it is possible that Jeffery Epstein didn’t hang himself. There are many men in Eastern Europe (especially) that practically specialize in “suiciding” people. (We are not alleging that someone had Jeffery Epstein killed, we mention it only because the manner of death leaves questions in some people’s minds. It is a very convenient suicide, almost predictable.)

From a GQ article entitled [7]: “When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Trump’s Rape Allegations?”

And Trump’s connections to Epstein’s sex trafficking may go beyond merely superficial. In 2016, “Jane Doe” filed a lawsuit against Trump alleging a “savage sexual attack” [8] in 1994, when she was 13 years old, in which he tied her to a bed at Epstein’s house, raped her, and struck her in the face. The account was corroborated by a witness who claimed to have seen the child perform sexual acts on both Trump and Epstein.

Just as he has a patten of sexual predation, Trump also seems to have a pattern of threatening victims who come forward. Jane Doe alleged in the lawsuit that Trump told her she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to “disappear like Maria,” a 12-year-old girl who had also been abused along with her. Jane Doe dropped the lawsuit in November 2016, days before Trump’s election, after her attorney, Lisa Bloom, cited “numerous threats” against her client.

I ask now – how the hell has that allegation not demanded a full independent investigation? How has Trump not been asked to take a lie-detector test? He won’t. But why not ask and watch his response? Will his answer be one infused with the explosive temper and anger for which he’s known – especially with this topic? Why won’t the NYT, WaPo, LA Times, and WSJ write a joint editorial saying he should be made to sit down with investigators? There are ways to “reckon” with allegations, even against someone unwilling to be investigated, and even against someone who controls federal law enforcement.

Bill Cosby was convicted – and people liked Bill Cosby! Harvey Weinstein was convicted. (admittedly, no one liked Weinstein). Donald Trump should undergo a criminal investigation into the rape of a child a half-year older than the little girl playing Roblox right beside me. Perhaps one of the media outlets in Europe can invest the money to thoroughly investigate Trump – they seem more willing to “go there” with our president than our media often seems.

Perhaps women are afraid to come forward. That is perfectly understandable against a man like Trump. Yet investigations can be done without headlines, and Trump can be made to undergo interviews in private – with only conclusions as to general behavior made public. Put it this way, there is a way to do everything possible to give women a safe opportunity to tell their story. If there is not, then find one!

There are many brave women who have come out and accused Trump of rape (including the woman who was a child victim):

The first rape allegation against him was by his ex-wife Ivana, who in a deposition in the early 1990s described a violent assault [9] by her husband in 1989 in which he pulled out fistfuls of her hair and jammed himself inside her. She clarified while he was running for president in 2015—and while under a gag order that prevents her from discussing her marriage with Trump without his approval—that the alleged rape was not in a “criminal sense.” [10] What she, likely coached by Trump’s team, seemed to be implying is that a man has a right to sex with his wife, regardless of his level of violence or her protestations (all 50 states have laws against non-consensual sex, or rape, within a marriage).

Does that not seem important to get to the bottom of?

There is a long and dangerous pattern to Trump’s behavior, behavior that he is on tape bragging about, and the American public has not once put him under the microscope he deserves.

Do innocent men hire fixers who say things like this, as Michael Cohen did to a Daily Beast reporter? (About the Ivana rape)

“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

No. Innocent men say they did not do it, and please listen to them tell their story.

Last bit from the GQ article from LAST YEAR:

The New York Times didn’t even consider it front-page news [11] last month when prominent writer E. Jean Carroll became the third person to accuse the sitting president of rape. (Trump responded that he couldn’t have raped her because she’s not his “type.” [12]) But when the puzzle pieces are assembled, the full picture of Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct and the fact that he’s gotten away with it for so long are actually quite shocking at a time when the country is supposed to be reckoning with its own rape culture.

A man who answers that he couldn’t have raped a woman because she wasn’t his type should be driven from office on that statement alone. It practically screams “If she was my type, maybe you’d some proof …” Or something equally sick. Moreover, Jean Carroll has evidence, genetic evidence, and last I heard her civil case is subpoenaing Trump’s genetic evidence.

Regardless, none of this is about one sexual assault – one is too many – it is about this country reckoning with the fact that there are over 20 credible allegations of sexual assault against Donald Trump and it never seems to hit that tipping point where it drives itself to completion. Joe Biden must face a very serious and thorough investigation into Tara Reade’s allegation. But every time I hear about the Biden investigation, I want to hear concurrent and equally serious and thorough updates on the Trump allegations and investigations!

We have allowed a man with a lifetime of rape allegations, to sit in the oval office, near mocking us (“She is not my type”), and it is time for it to end. What better time to “reckon” with Trump’s past than when he is asking us to be president for another four years.

It is literally now or never.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom