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Woman Who Accused Fauci of Assaulting Her Now Says Trump Supporters Paid Her to Lie

One cannot get much lower than paying someone to make false allegations against another, especially allegations that are particularly difficult to disprove, like a sexual assault. Thankfully, one woman has been brave enough to come forward – at least after the fact – to admit that she was paid to accuse Dr. Tony Fauci of sexual assault.

According to Rawstor [1]y, and from the website: “Reason:”

The woman says right-wing provocateur Jacob Wohl and his frequent accomplice Jack Burkman persuaded her to cast Fauci as the assailant using details from an actual sexual assault she survived just after high school, and they paid her to do it [2], reported Reason.

“The reality is that I’ve known Jacob since 2018 and that he charmed me into taking money to do this (see attached picture of us together),” said Diana Andrade in an email to the website. “[They also] had me do something like this…back in January.”

Jacob Wohl is a human worm who should never be believed again, about anything, and should never have anything he does reported by the media from now until the end of time. Not that many took this allegation seriously because they didn’t.

Andrade recorded a phone conversation between Wohl and her – found at the Rawstory link – in which Wohl argues that the COVID crisis is a good thing, like God thinning the heard some, “you have to clean out the barn,” a line of thinking that scared her.

She also asked an excellent question; This is the same group that tried to set up Mueller, how are they not in jail?

We don’t like to criminalize too many things in this country, but blatantly falsely accusing someone of sexual assault – paying a woman to make an accusation you know to be false – should be a crime (it might fit into some criminal statutes) and certainly could be something for a lawsuit.

Another good question is why Dr. Fauci represents such a threat to these people? Do Trumpers just fear the truth because it bursts the pink cloud upon which they spend their lives, that everything Trump touches turns to gold?


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom