Politics - News Analysis

Barron Trump is a Dual Citizen of Both Slovenia and the US Which is Odd for the Son of the ‘America First’ President

One of the startling revelations within the “Art of Her Deal,” a book authored by Mary Jordan and highlighted in today’s Washington Post, is that the President of the United States’ son is a dual American-Slovenian citizen. Melania ensured that Barron did not renounce his Slovenian citizenship even as Trump won the presidency, something that has to be a first in history with respect to “First Families.”

Generally speaking, no one in the media wants to report on anything with respect to a minor child’s life, and we’re not about to start. What we will do is highlight some of the choices made by the adults in Barron’s life.

One notable aspect is that given how little Trump is involved in his son’s life, it almost seems normal and natural that Barron would retain dual citizenship. It often seems as though Trump doesn’t even have a minor child, indeed Trump made the infamous slip about “she has a son,” when referencing E-cigs.

Barron appears to be Melania’s alone, so of course he retained his Slovenian citizenship. We have normalized the fact that Trump plays no role as a dad when his kids are young … with that one ghastly exception. Still, Barron does have a father and the father happens to be an American First, anti-immigrant president:

Melania had finally renegotiated the prenup to her liking. She had already been looking out for Barronโ€™s future by making sure he had dual citizenship in Slovenia, which will position him to work in Europe for the Trump Organization when he comes of age.

Now, she had made sure he was not shut out of the family business. Jordan writes: โ€œShe wanted proof in writing that when it came to financial opportunities and inheritance, Barron would be treated as more of an equal to Trumpโ€™s oldest three children.โ€

If I might go first-person for a moment, I am a dual citizen, Canadian-American, naturalized here in the U.S. and I have arranged for my daughter to have Canadian citizenship, too. So she, too, is a dual citizen. We don’t retain dual citizenship to “do business in Canada” so much as we want a place to go should we need to get the fck out of this failing nation. (No offense.) It is not weird to have dual citizen kids when one isn’t the president of one of the countries.

It is hard to believe that being Slovenian gives Barron a leg-up on Trump business in Europe. Uday and Qusay seemed to do plenty of business in Europe without any difficulty, or any European citizenship. Ivanka isn’t Chinese – you get the point. (Ever notice there are a million pics of Trump and Ivanka as she grew up but exactly none of the boys?)

So, it looks like Melania didn’t so much want her son to have a business advantage so much as she wanted him to have “choices” should he be driven insane by his heritage here. Totally understandable. Smart, Mel.

But the most bizarre part of this, or at least the most ironic part, is that the most anti-immigrant president, the awful nativist president, the president that wants to cut off chain migration, legal migration, all of it, has a child who is a dual citizen. It has probably not once occurred to Trump to ask Barron or Melania to give up their Slovenian citizenship to be “American First.” But only because it probably doesn’t much occur to Trump that he even has a minor son … or wife.

Among the many many offensive Trump traits is that Trump will go to a World Series game, go to a rocket launch, go to India, all these places and not once bringing his “son” to do any of it, making Barron’s life more meaningful and, frankly, enjoyable. What son wouldn’t want to go to a game? What son doesn’t want to go see a rocket launch? Most importantly, what kind of dad doesn’t desperately want to give his son those opportunities?

A really shitty one. A dad who is the world’s biggest hypocrite. The “alpha male” that can’t take care of his family. The one who doesn’t care that his own child – the president’s son – retained citizenship in another country.



Peace, y’all
jmiciak@yahoo.com and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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