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LeBron James Rips Fox News’s Laura Ingraham a New One Over Her Blatant Racism

Respected basketball star LeBron James had some sharp words for Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she defended quarterback Drew Brees, who backs President Donald Trump’s stance that NFL players should not be allowed to take a knee to protest police brutality.

Retweeting a video that showed Ingraham defending Brees and footage of the Fox News anchor criticizing James for his political views and telling him to “shut up and dribble,” Raw Story [1] reports.

So it’s completely understandable that James would have something to say about this.

“If you still haven’t figured out why the protesting is going on,” he said in a tweet. “Why we’re as we are is because we are simply F—N tired of this treatment right here!”

“Can we break it down for you any simpler than this right here????” he asked, adding a facepalm emoji.

This isn’t the first time Ingraham has caught heat for her racism, including one instance [4] where she chided the Disney+ online streaming service for adding a disclaimer that warned viewers about racism in some of its old movies. The movies included Dumbo, Peter Pan, and Lady and The Tramp and programs like Davy Crockett, King of The Wild Frontier.

While many people lauded Disney for adding the disclaimers, Ingraham and co-host Raymond Arroyo mocked the decision on her program The Ingraham Angle.

“What?!” Ingraham remarked after finding out the disclaimer was placed on Dumbo. “About the elephants?”

“No, no, no,” Arroyo said. “That’s a reference to the black crows. You remember they use those minstrel-y accents in the film and they smoke cigars?”

At one point Ingraham wanted to know “when are they going to start worrying about the beleaguered conservative Christian class? Where do they get their changes and apologies and their warnings?”

She quite obviously has sympathy for Christians but none for people of color, so James is quite right to criticize her. Racism in the U.S. is alive and well and perpetrated by people like her and others on Fox News.