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Lindsey Graham Seems to Have Dyed His Hair the Same Color as Trump’s and the Internet Can’t Get Enough

If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.

Lindsey Graham, May 3, 2016

Lindsey Graham is a strange kettle of fish. He is a good ole boy from South Carolina that has always been a bit “different,” if one knows what I mean. Most men at his stage of the game are on to their second wives, women that are 25 years younger. Lindsey’s never been married. It isn’t some grand conspiracy or anything, indeed the fact that Graham was “unique” in the GOP upper echelon had been, pre-Trump, something that people respected and protected on his behalf. Graham was once someone that nearly every Democratic senator really liked. He was a serious, good guy, and deserved serious privacy.

Then Trump got elected. John McCain died. And, Trump and Lindsey had a golf outing. We will likely never know what happened on that golf course. We can bet that it wasn’t just instant BFFs, Trump doesn’t have friends. There are a lot of Russians and criminals on the outer edges of the Trump orbit, the type that are world leaders in “kompromat.” The Russians didn’t just break into Democratic servers.

Whatever else happened, the real Lindsey Graham died on that golf course, struck by lightning, struck by something. Since then, Lindsey’s been embarrassingly, slavishly loyal to Trump over and above his own self-respect. But now Lindsey is running in a dead heat with Jaime Harrison in South Carolina. As Trump’s ratings plummet, Lindsey must put some distance between himself and Trump while also retaining the MAGA base.

What to do? Perhaps Lindsey wants to have it both ways. Maybe he wants to say one thing while sending signals to the MAGAs? We can’t know. But someone needs to explain this:

Oh, wow. That’s bad. Yeah, that’s bad.

Lindsey? Come on, man. We have been with you a bit … maybe a decade ago. Some of us who have contacts in DC have “known” you, and helped you out, and we admit, you weren’t the worst guy. You’re still not. But you’re definitely gaining ground on the worst guy. But man, come on, there’s only so much any of us can take.

Lindsey said that Trump would destroy the party. Lindsey probably thought he could keep his distance, live two lives, so to speak. But for reasons we’ll never know, Lindsey accepted Trump’s embrace, hoping Trump wouldn’t destroy him, too. Now it’s too late and deserves it.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom