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Trump Campaign Ridiculed for Claiming ‘300,000’ People Coming to Trump’s Tulsa Rally

Brad Parscale is really testing the limits of whether “The MAGA-heads will believe anything” by telling the world first that they had 200,000 people “sign-up” for the Tulsa event, and then stating that “300,0oo” had signed-up:

“Trump #MAGA Rally in Tulsa is hottest ticket ever!” Parscale tweeted late this afternoon, and then “Over 200K tickets already & it’s not even political season.”

This, of course, is an insane statement since it has been “political season” to Trump since 2015, or at least Trump has been holding rallies since 2015. Bizarrely, because the “demand” is so huge, Trump is handling the matter as if he’s U2 and adding a second night? We aren’t sure how that would even work, considering that the campaign moved the date back a day to June 20th, so as to not be on “Juneteenth” celebration of black emancipation.

Perhaps the Trump campaign wanted to intentionally confuse people?

“Looking at a 2nd event in town to get more people to be w/ @realDonaldTrump. Gonna be GREAT in the most open state in nation!”

Oklahoma is more “open” than Georgia? Or is it that Georgia never had a gigantic race atrocity in … never mind.

A “second night”? Do they sell tickets to these rallies? No, we checked. That doesn’t mean they don’t sell things at the rallies. We can’t know, we have never been to one. But why would a person do a “second night” if not to take advantage of that incredible “demand”?

Rawstory has the breakdown as to what might be happening here:

Considering the arena holds at most 19,199 people, it might seem odd that Parscale is asking more people to come, but this is all a theatrical stunt. The campaign knows a small percentage of those who sign up will attend, but once someone registers they capture their name, email address, and cell phone number, and can then add them to their marketing lists, which are extremely valuable.

Ah, so that explains this:

The response was “epic.”

My god. We’ll end there.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom