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Tucker Carlson Lashes Out at Jared Kushner and Accuses Him of Having ‘Contempt’ for Trump Supporters

Fox News host Tucker Carlson heaped a mountain of criticism on White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, claiming the president’s “liberal” (really? C’mon) son-in-law led Donald Trump far afield and undermining his “famously sharp instincts” because authorities didn’t crack down hard enough during nationwide protests over the police killing of George Floyd.

Carlson took time out to laud Trump’s “law and order” speech during one segment of Tucker Carlson Tonight. He did suggest, however, that the president was too slow in forcefully responding to the protests that occurred in cities across the U.S. But he began the segment by praising Trump’s “powerful, symbolic gesture” of walking to St. John’s Church and holding up a Bible as police tear-gassed protesters.

Trump’s actions were panned widely and one Episcopal Bishop at the church was enraged [1] by his using this as a cheap photo opportunity.

But Carlson doesn’t care about that. He has harsh words for Kushner instead, Mediaite [2] reports. We’ve included the video below.

“What Americans want most right now is the end to this chaos and they want their cities to be safe and they want us to stop immediately,” he said. “If the Commander-in-Chief can’t stop us, he will lose in November and the left will blame him for the atrocities they encouraged and some voters will agree. Some key advisors around the president don’t seem to understand this with the gravity of the moment. ‘No matter what happens’ they’ll tell you, ‘our voters aren’t going anywhere, the trailer parks are rock-solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.’ Jared Kushner, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner does and no one accesses it more frequently.”

Then Carlson claimed Kushner is purposely leading his father-in-law down the wrong path.

“In 2016 Trump ran as a ‘law and order’ candidate because he meant it and his views remain fundamentally unchanged today. But the president’s famously sharp instincts, the ones that won him the presidency almost four years ago, have been since subverted at every level by Jared Kushner,” Carlson said.

This seems like an attempt to absolve Trump of any blame for the failures of his administration. If that’s so, it’s surely a weak attempt at best. This leads Carlson to make further excuses for his idol.

“The president seems to sense this. At times he seems aware that he’s being led in the wrong direction and often derides Kushner as a liberal and that’s correct, Kushner is, but he’s convinced the president that throwing open the prisons is the key to winning African-American votes in the fall and that those votes are essential to his reelection.”

How Carlson can say that with a straight face is anyone’s guess, especially since the number of African-Americans in prisons is vastly large than the numbers of whites, the NAACP [3] reports. The ratio of blacks to whites in U.S. prisons stands at five to one.

So when Carlson says things like this is he on Neptune or something?

He concluded blaming Kushner on this note:

“Several times over the last few days, the president signaled he would very much like to crack down on rioters and that is his instinct. But every time he’s been talked out of it by Jared Kushner and by aides that Kushner has hired and controls. The assumption is that African-Americans like looting. That is wrong (okay, Carlson gets this one right anyway.) Normal Americans of all colors hate looting. Obviously, why wouldn’t they? They’re decent people.”

Well hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.