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Vapid Ivanka Says Federal Employees Should Be Hired Based on Skills and Everyone Has the Same Reaction

One would think that at this point there would be some kind of little buzzer that might go off in Ivanka’s sculpted head that would warn her about tweeting shit that is just so patently hypocritical, oblivious, and self-satisfied.

And yet Ivanka wouldn’t be Ivanka if she had such a filter, she would be doing something worthwhile in her life rather than simply repeating her father’s crimes. She wouldn’t be putting out tweets discussing the qualifications for employment in the federal government that she could never meet in a million years.

According to Indy100.com [4]:

Trump is set to sign the executive order on Friday outlining the government’s new hiring process, with Ivanka, who is the co-chair of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board making the case that the new direction will help create a more inclusive and talented workforce. She is quoted by AP [5] as saying:

We are modernizing federal hiring to find candidates with the relevant competencies and knowledge, rather than simply recruiting based on degree requirements. We encourage employers everywhere to take a look at their hiring practices and think critically about how initiatives like these can help diversify and strengthen their workforce.

I have an idea about how one can diversify and strengthen a workforce! Hire people with degrees and lots of good experience, from outside the family!

The White House released her “formal statement,” which is odd, since Ivanka doesn’t have any real position other than being the “daughter” of the president.

If Ivanka thinks “degree requirements” shut out a lot of enterprising and deserving people, she should talk to a person who was kept out of a job because it went to somebody with the right DNA!

A lot of people had the exact same thought!

She really ought to get one of those buzzers, or hire someone to help her manage communicationsmaybe somebody with a degree, or lots of experience, family isn’t getting it done.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on twitter @MiciakZoom