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Americans Appalled After Trump Uses July 4th to Attack Democrats and Compare Them to Nazis

Dear God.

First, Happy Independence Day to all our wonderful readers! This day means a lot to all of us, although I think it’s fair to say our true Independence Day will be in November, November 3rd to be exact.

On a day when every single other president has worked hard to make the Fourth of July a non-partisan event that brings the country together, Trump goes full dictator with a nasty and divisive speech that was similar to the garbage speech he gave Friday night at Mount Rushmore.

“American heros defeated the nazis, dethroned the fascists, toppled the communists, saved American values, upheld American principles and chased down the terrorists to the very ends of the earth,” Trump said. “We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing.”

Is Trump…is Trump comparing Democrats to Nazis?


Then Trump went nuts and accused the media of slander for correctly labeling him a racist.

And Trump had to bring up the coronavirus, but once again passed the blame to the Chinese. Mind you, every other country in the world has tackled the virus. Every country except for the United States, that is.

On the nation’s 244th birthday, Trump said that America was thriving on his watch until it “got hit by the virus that came from China,” comments that come as the U.S. and multiple states have reported record numbers of coronavirus cases in the past week.

Trump repeated talking points he’s pushed in recent weeks saying that the spike in cases is a result of expanded testing, a claim rejected by the White House’s own experts. He also touted a declining death rate in the U.S., which is still higher than other developed countries.

“And we’ve made a lot of progress, our strategy is moving along well,” Trump said. “It goes out in one area, it rears out its ugly face in another area. But we’ve learned a lot. We’ve learned how to put out the flame.”

Here’s one of my favorite Trump tics. When he says a word wrong, obviously. But then acts like he meant to say it incorrectly. Quick reminder that Trump likes to accuse Joe Biden of having dementia on a daily basis, and here is Trump unable to say the word “sweeping”:

Considering this should be holiday for ALL AMERICANS, Twitter was disgusted that Trump is out there comparing Democrats to Nazis and calling them Marxists. It’s pathetic.

Take a look: