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John Bolton Says Trump Spends Most of His Time Glued To TV, Even in the Oval Office

In a recent interview on CBS News’ Face the Nation, Sunday, former national security adviser John Bolton said President Trump pays more attention to cable news than he does to his own advisers. That’s not particularly shocking since Trump seemingly spends more time on Twitter than he does listening to his own advisers. And we already know what he thinks of Fox News.

Perhaps that’s what led host Margaret Brennan to ask Bolton if he believed the president was influenced more by what he watches on television than he is by his own advisers.

“I think it’s a combination of television and listening to people outside the government that he trusts for one reason or another,” Bolton replied.

“I think that if you could clock the amount of time he spent actually in the oval office versus the amount of time he spends in the little dining room off the Oval Office with the cable news networks of one form or another on, it would be a very interesting statistic.”

Trump has made it more than well-known that he uses Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity as sounding boards and Fox News makes up a large segment of his TV-viewing. Carlson was even a guest in the White House press pool when Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. This was in June 2019, when Bolton was sent on a trip to Mongolia.

After leaving the White House last September, Bolton has sharply criticized the president and unveiled some shocking allegations in his memoir “The Room Where It Happened,” which was published in June.

This includes the allegation that Trump has sought China’s help in winning the 2020 presidential election. This really isn’t all that shocking when you consider the fact that he looked for help from Russia to win the 2016 election. It’s what he does.

But even so, the White House attempted to block the book’s publication, claiming it contains classified information. And Trump, in typical fashion, claims the book is full of lies and has posted a string of denials and insults on Twitter.

What’s not clear yet, is what the so-called “classified information” really is. This is really just more nonsense and melodrama that hopefully will disappear on November 4 2020 when Trump is voted out of office.

Here’s what Bolton had to say below.