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Michael Flynn Appears to Make Pledge to QAnon in July 4th Video and the Internet is Going Nuts

Alright. This is just so damned weird and proves everything one ever thought about Mike Flynn. Mike Flynn, of course, is the General who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency and went so off his rocker [1] that he was fired by Obama. The military doesn’t let insane, or even weird people get to the point of having three stars on their shoulders. Something happened to Flynn at about age 50.

Whatever it was, it is chronic. Mike Flynn was so wrapped up in doing Russia’s favors that he talked to the Russian ambassador about sanctions before Trump took office, then lied to the FBI about it. The problems must have gotten progressively worse as he rode the “fake news!” and “Deep state!” wave right to a DOJ-Trump decision to withdraw the charges after Flynn plead guilty! 

So that’s where we stand on this Fourth of July, when Mike Flynn celebrated his country’s independence by having his family and friends swear allegiance to the Qanon movement, a movement that believes that Trump is busy ridding the world of a Democratic satanic cult that trafficks children and worse, that Mueller was working with Trump investigating this cult, and that JFK Jr. isn’t really dead and will come back to be Trump’s running mate on July 4th of 2020 … except that didn’t happen! Even though it was predicted! Just like nothing ever happens as predicted by “Q” and just like it never matters that “Q’s” predictions never come true.

Yes, that is Mike Flynn swearing in the family. As a public service, whenever you might run into “WWG1WGA” it stands for what was said at the end: “Where We Go One, We Go All” – which is the perfect pledge for them as it makes no sense at all, how do “we go one”? But that’s perfect, nothing about “Q” makes sense, and none of it has come true.

Regardless, Mike Flynn – as former National Security Adviser, is one of the very few people who had total access to American intelligence and is in a position to know all this is bullshit. But it’s a cult, and the truth is a problem with cults.

I almost wonder if Obama said “Don’t hire Mike Flynn” as a test of Trump. To see whether Trump was also on the hook.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom