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Rudy Comes Out in the Open and Promptly Destroys Trump’s Excuses: Trump’s No Longer Under Audit

There is no situation that Rudy can’t make worse, or better, depending upon one’s frame of reference. We have no idea how Rudy managed to be competent as “America’s Mayor” post 9-11, but thank god he was. Now, we thank that same dog above that Rudy has no responsibilities at all except for making Trump’s political life much more difficult at each step.

You will of course remember that it was Rudy who worked hand in hand with Trump in the Ukrainian matters that eventually led to Trump’s impeachment. Rudy is also involved with Les Parnov, a Ukrainian-American who is ready to talk and has perhaps spilled the beans on any number of crimes behind the scenes. Of course, Rudy has also been the source of any number of gaffes, making admissions to Chris Cuomo off the cuff, and all-around just sounding ridiculous.

Today Rudy appeared from the dead to “help” Trump, and went on Maria Bartiromo’s show on Fox to argue that prosecutors shouldn’t come after Trump for tax issues. Rudy says that Trump’s taxes have been reviewed, audited, and all issues have been resolved, therefore, prosecutors should just butt out!

All audits have been resolved?

Here are Rudy’s exact words:

“They have no reason to believe that there is anything wrong with his tax returns. All of them have been audited and all of them have either been passed on or settled.”


Then by Trump’s own admissions, own words, own promises, it is time to open them up. It was just this last week on Hannity that Trump once again promised that he would release his taxes when all audits are done. It was just yesterday that Biden demanded they be opened up. Biden can now use the “admission of Trump’s own attorney” to demand Trump produce them, or no debates. If Trump comes back and says that they’re not actually all done, then one can say, “Okay, time for prosecutors to look.”

Oh, and Rudy threw in a bunch of winks to the anti-Semitics that hate George Soros, asserting that Soros funds all these DAs.


Nice job, Ace. Go back to bead.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom