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There’s No Doubt About It, Trump is Causing the Deaths of Americans and What He’s Doing is Inexcusable

The year 2020 feels like it is trying to find our breaking point. Some of us have to remind ourselves continually that many have had it way worse. There are people living right down the road that likely have it a bit worse than all of us, black Americans have it worse than those of us who are white. Of course, never mind the fact that we don’t have ourselves or sons shipping out to Iwa Jima to take the beaches – as some Americans did. We don’t live in the year 1250 with the plague killing a far higher percentage without medicines. We have to remind ourselves.

Despite the fact that 2020 would be tough for us under any circumstances, it is Donald Trump, personally, ending the lives of many Americans. A normal president would save lives by doing nothing more than trying to unite the country in a tragedy, motivating the nation to work together to pull each other through. But Trump is actively killing us, there’s no other way to describe what he’s doing, and there is no denying it, either.

Exhibit A, Trump has violated the sacred duty as Commander in Chief by not protecting US troops. Trump seems most interested in having the Russian bounty story go away, get it out of the news cycle, far more so than actually establishing what is happening and ending it. This also happens to be the one thing that a real president might be able to do with ease, threaten Russia’s very existence, watch them back down. We will not let this story go away as it is Trump’s most shockingly selfish act, possibly traitorous. We will continue to document it.

Exhibit B, Trump refuses to deal in reality, which is a necessary predicate to any effective response to a disease. Trump’s “anticipated number” of deaths has gone from 40,000, to 65,000 (which he said would indicate he’s done a great job), then 80k to 100k, and now we’re at 132K and there is no end in sight. Today Trump said that without him, we’d be at over one million:

There is no way he can’t win in his own mind. If we went to one million, he’d say we’d obviously be at over 4 million – no number has stopped him so far.

Trump brags we have the lowest death rate. That’s not even remotely true as we reported this morning, and it’s not comforting anyway. Given that the way the numbers are going, we actually could have the lowest percentage death rate and still lose 500,000 Americans before this is over.

Exhibit C, Trump’s approach to this disease is to magically think it will go away or that it doesn’t exist. He won’t stop saying schools must open this fall. Who doesn’t want schools open?? But no sane person thinks this can be a national decision. It is inherently local. Trump’s push to “put pressure” on governors could kill thousands.

It is fully political. He admits it. He just says it’s “the Democrats” trying to keep them closed. See how it works? It’s not him in his mind.

Exhibit D, Trump is doing all he can to amplify racial animosity in this country for no greater reason than to appeal to a racist base. In other words, he will kill however Americans as needed, in clashes with police, and intensifying police animosity, all to try to get himself elected. This, of course, is happening despite the fact it’s not working for him politically. It is his instinctive position.

And it is having its effect. The police feel invulnerable now, backed by a president wanting police to be rough. Here is an officer sexually assaulting a woman:

Exhibit E, Trump is isolating us in a dangerous world, making it far less likely that the international community will show any interest in helping us now or in the future. We ought to keep in mind, that just because it took one-hundred years to get from the great Spanish Flu to COVID, there is no rule that says it will only happen again 100 years from now. It could happen in five years, and the World Health Organization will be severely crippled:

F., and we’ll end it here even though we could go on. Trump’s economic instincts were to take care of corporations big and small first. They got millions, perhaps billions, rather than simply sending money to citizens to help make it through. Economic despair will lead to many deaths from suicide, depression, economic despair, (he’s also trying to yank health insurance, “G,”). There was a way to do this by helping the poor and middle class first, which would make it far easier to get through with proper quarantines and lockdowns.

All the above come from just one short stroll through the Twitter feed.

He really is killing us. No one can ever say that “all politicians all the same” ever again. They are nowhere near “the same,” especially this man. Besides, the Trumpers voted for him precisely because he was different, now he’s helping to kill them.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom