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Trump Claims ‘Nobody Ever Heard’ Abraham Lincoln Was a Republican Until He Pointed it Out

Trump has a giant “tell” that everyone knows. Whenever he says “No one ever heard of _________ until I brought it up,” or “Until I said so,” Trump is conveying that he had no idea until someone told him. Obviously. So it was pretty ridiculous when Trump said that no one knew that Lincoln was a Republican until Trump brought it up. Trump doubled up on his “stupidity” in it because not only did he not know, he also didn’t know that practically everyone knows that the GOP is “the Party of Lincoln.”

Whenever Trump says “People say,” he – of course – is one saying it. He’s making it up. Trump said “I didn’t know that” at least to himself.

Obviously, there are a few other things about Lincoln that Trump has a hard time understanding. Lincoln was a hardcore progressive. Lincoln was so progressive that he believed in freeing the slaves even though he knew that the South might go to war to keep the institution. Lincoln thought it was the right thing to do. Moreover, Trump doesn’t realize that Lincoln was one of the most “big government” types out there. Lincoln believed in big government so much that he sent in the big-government army to defeat the traitorous Confederate army.

Lincoln was also famous for being honest. There isn’t much that Trump shares with the Republican Lincoln.

Some people had some thoughts about Trump’s statement:

Trump won’t have a presidential library. They cost money, and they are for scholars.

Lincoln wouldn’t just be a Democrat, he would be supporting Black Lives Matter.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom