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Trump Feels Absolutely No Regret Over Herman Cain’s Death From COVID-19: NYT’s Maggie Haberman

Herman Cain, the former Republican presidential candidate stubbornly refused to wear a face mask during last month’s Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and suffered the consequences of that bad decision for 40 days until he finally died from COVID-19 Thursday.

COVID-19 rates surged in Oklahoma and hundreds of new cases popped up, perhaps as a result [1] of the rally. Trump’s campaign didn’t require the audience to practice social distancing or wear masks, and according to Maggie Haberman, a noted journalist with The New York Times, [2] the president and his advisers have no regrets about any of this.

This became apparent in an interview with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, who couldn’t help but wonder if the White House showed any remorse about holding the June rally in the middle of the pandemic, and against the advice of health experts.

“Knowing that Herman Cain [3] went to that Tulsa rally — okay, the Tulsa rally that the medical experts in Tulsa did not want the president to hold because they knew it would be dangerous — he went as a healthy, 74-year-old man,” Camerota said. “He was not sick, he was not positive for coronavirus that day. Then a month later, he is dead. Is there any feeling inside the White House of responsibility, of guilt, of connection to this?”

And Haberman’s response was pretty much as you might expect:

“This is not how the White House is handling it,” she said. “The White House continues to have a blinder view of all of this. They do not look at actions they have taken as having an impact on people getting sick, whether that’s the Tulsa rally or a lack of sufficient testing across the country.”

This isn’t surprising. This is an administration that has shown no remorse for separating children from their parents, let alone for the nearly 157,000 Americans who have died in this pandemic, with a president who continually sits on his thumbs and does nothing [4] to lessen the impact of this deadly situation. And it’s going to continue to be more of the same until this man is out of office. So buckle your seatbelts, the next few months are going to be a bumpy ride.

I’ve included a snippet of the interview below.