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Trump Tells People to Stop Watching Fox News Because They Air Polls That Show Him Losing


We have reported on a number of occasions that an inevitable rift was coming between Trump, the GOP senate, and Fox News. As Trump’s numbers go into freefall, the rest of the Right has to start preparing for life after Trump, and no one wants to be the last off the ship. Fox can’t be reporting about Trump’s greatness on November 2nd and then talking about moving on from all his problems on November 4th.

Fox has had to report on the fact that Trump is getting crushed in the polls because their own poll shows Trump down big (double digits) to Biden.

This, of course, is unacceptable to Trump and he’s had it with Fox (again).

“Real polls,” of course, are like everything else in Trump world, the perfect ones that show him leading, which only exist in Trump’s mind, or perhaps Brad Parscale’s printer. For all we know, Parscale may be making so damned much money that his only plan is making it through November without being fired, and thus happily feeding Trump fake shit in order to stay on the job.

Regardless, every poll done by any outside company shows Trump down. Remarkably, even Trump’s claim to 96% approval in the Republican party is utter bullshit. From Crooks and Liars [3]:

Trump has repeatedly claimed that 96 percent of Republicans approve of him. While he does enjoy high levels of support among members of his party, there are no recent polls that show him reaching that level. Last week, a Hill-Harris X poll found he had an 82 percent approval rating among Republicans, down from 91 percent in May.

Oh, and about changing that channel?

We are positive that some Trump supporters will get right on that. Meanwhile, the more divided the cult, the better. Trump first divided the nation, now he’s dividing the Right, and losing support there, too.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom