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Trump Wakes and Takes to Twitter to Whine that He Isn’t Getting Enough Praise for Coronavirus Response

One of the enduring mysteries is how it is that this man is seen as “tough” by the self-described tough guys on the right. This is a man who spends a good portion of his day whining that he’s not praised enough, America doesn’t see that he’s doing a fantastic job. Sure, we have the highest number of cases, but our rate of mortality is the lowest in the world!

The fact that we’re not even in the top 10 in lowest world mortality doesn’t seem to bother Trump, nor that we barely make the top 15. From CNN [1]:

While US coronavirus mortality rates have declined recently [2], they are not the lowest in the world. Data on coronavirus death rates remain imprecise, due in part to limited testing availability and the prevalence of mild or asymptomatic cases that often go unrecorded. Still, among the 20 countries most affected by the virus, at least 14 have lower death rates than the US.

We must also consider the fact that COVID is rarely immediately fatal. Often people spend 3-4 weeks on a ventilator. This sudden spike is about 2-3 weeks old (in terms of rapid escalation), the hospitals are getting full now. The deaths and death rates will – so tragically – climb in 3-4 weeks, as people succumb. We shake our head in disbelief that “we” elected a man who doesn’t care.

So between his lie and the fact that the deaths will be climbing soon enough, Trump still demands more praise for the obvious great job he’s done.

Notice that the quote from the article is “COVID-19” and Trump has to go out of his way to add “China virus?” Cute move, Donnie. Get more Americans victimized by racism.

Let’s pretend for just a moment that we did have the lowest mortality. Given that we have over 3 million cases, that still means that a lot of people are dying needlessly. Yes, people die in car accidents, people die of cancer, yes yes yes. And it is true that maybe this disease couldn’t have been kept out entirely. But there’s no doubt that this disease could have been far better contained. Just look around the world, damn it!

Why does Trump believe that everything in his world is always perfect? Because until he gets the disease, it truly isn’t a “thing” to him. It is an abstraction that only impacts his campaign and his money. No one else’s suffering counts, nor does doing a good job as president.

We do sort of wonder how it is that Trump hasn’t gotten COVID. It has been all around the White House, and the tests presume to pick up someone before they are contagious. It seems like a person might be contagious a day or so before a test picks it up? Or a bad test? Somehow the virus has gotten awfully close to him and yet he remains unscathed, which is kind of remarkable.

Last thing, for a guy who says he yelled “Slow down the testing please!” he sure uses tests around his place like they’re needed.

Some people wanted to talk back to Trump:

Please do pass around the real statistics. Until we looked it up, we weren’t sure whether it was true or not. We should have known.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom