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Trump Wants to Force All Schools to Open But Must Answer Whether Barron Will Be Returning to School

Americans with children are having to face a difficult decision. Our children are suffering from missing school with friends and real teachers teaching real stuff. It is extremely sad. On the other hand, opening schools right now is as stupid as opening Disneyworld on the day that Florida announced its highest COVID totals yet – today. More importantly, schools have to have teachers, administrators, staff, etc. all of whom would be in danger by attending those Petri dishes.

Were that not enough, we’ve reported on the recent findings that COVID may have long term damage in even mild cases, including possible serious depression and brain damage. No one can say with certainty that asymptomatic kids won’t have future problems if they get it.

Many parents are unwilling to send their children to school to appease Trump’s political needs. We are smarter than Disneyworld. Much as it pains us, we’re keeping kids home.

But Trump isn’t having it and he’s threatening to withhold federal money in any school system that doesn’t open. Trump’s threat is serious, even though it’s almost surely a bluff.

To that end, there are people demanding that the media ask [1] Trump squarely whether Barron will be in school with classmates this fall:

In terms of re-opening schools, the Trump administration has no plan. That should surprise nobody since the administration’s hallmark for this once-in-a-century public health crisis has been to do virtually nothing to protect the country, or help it through the other side of the virus. Re-opening schools and welcoming back tens of millions of students safely in a social distancing environment represents a Herculean task of logistics and money, and the Trump team has shown no interest in dealing with either. It s demanding schools re-open without providing a blueprint or the money necessary.

And that brings us back to Barron Trump. “If “everybody wants” schools fully reopened in the fall, then Barron should attend in-person classes five days a week,” notes [2] No More Mr. Nice Blog. “If his school won’t commit to that, the Trumps should send him somewhere that will. Right?”

Great question. Reporters need to start pressing the White House for answers.

Moreover, Trump has said that it is worse for kids to stay home, that the depression and lack of socialization will be worse for kids than the risks of attending school. Thus there shouldn’t be special circumstances that are applicable only to his child. Alright, then it is absolutely appropriate for the media to ask whether Trump’s son will be attending school. This isn’t something where the Trump family is “out of bounds.” Trump is insisting our kids go to school, we have a right to know whether he’s as full of shit as he sounds.

He almost undoubtedly is. Even if we have to remind Trump that he has a school-aged son and even if we have to introduce the two, we have a right to ask.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom