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Alex Jones Tells His Followers to ‘Get Ready to Die’ in Fight Against New World Order

Alex Jones is apparently off his meds again and is sounding the alarm about his much talked about “New World Order” takeover of the U.S. He’s been on about this for years but it’s never happened. Now, however, he claims it’s happening and his listeners should not be afraid to die and be ready “to kill as many of them as quickly as possible.” Oh, and they should do this in a “defensive” way, he added, according to Right Wing Watch. [1]

Sitting behind an Infowars “news desk” (I use that term loosely here) that featured a military-style rifle display, Jones told his “Alex Jones Show” listeners that his outlet had “confirmed” that “Maoists” in some of the U.S.’s largest cities have “explosives and weapons and trucks loaded with ammonium nitrate and just chlorine gas — everything” and these trucks will be used to murder government officials and right-wing talk show hosts. Perhaps he’s worried about himself here, hmmm?

Whatever. At any rate, he warned listeners not to “jump first” at the supposed threat but added they should be ready to start killing people.

“I want to avoid confrontation. I don’t need to put that on my belt — I mean I don’t even want to kill these globalists,” Jones said. “But if they want to kill us, the best thing to do in a defensive way is kill as many of them as quickly as possible. Again, the media will misquote that. I don’t want to offensively kill anybody. But I’m not going to take this, Okay?”

Jones also recommended that his listeners start taking down names and making lists like “Santa Claus” and “just think about the future.”

“If they take down your country, if they destroy your bank account, they murder a bunch of patriot leaders, what are you going to do?” Jones, one of Trump’s most rabid supporters asked his listeners. “Because you always talked about when the New World Order came in and when the U.N. did this, you were going to go out and shoot folks in blue helmets. They show up in black uniforms and burn down your local courthouse and overthrow your government, run your life. And once they get control of your police, those officers are programmed robots now, they’ll follow orders to come after you.”

He warned viewers not to “have a civil war with the cops, even if they’re captured and cowards and bad people, some of them.” Instead, they should wage war against academics and “the establishment perverts and pedophiles that run it.”

“If you’re running a war, you kill high-value targets, and that means the leadership of the New World Order,” Jones said.

He told his audience they need to be mentally prepared to die for the cause.

“I don’t say that to act tough. As men, we have to decide we’re dead already,” he said. “It’s easy. You’ll never be freer to the point you’re ready to die. Just get over it. It’s not a big deal. The enemy is not the loser meth-head playing video games that is told by the media and is given $100 per day to go out and do this. They’re not the target. You do nothing killing them, and I don’t want you to kill anybody right now. But I want you to understand where they’ve taken us and what they’ve done and that every single globalist New World Order operative at an executive level is an enemy combatant of humanity.”

“Now is not the time,” he said. “You’ll know the time.”

Jones seems ignorant of the fact that academics and other intellectuals did not fare well [2] when the Nazis came to power and he’s inadvertently suggesting his followers should be fascists. He links them to pedophiles, and yeah, some of them probably are, but pedophiles are in all walks of life. He keeps Trump out of this, but there’s all kinds of evidence that he’s one of the biggest alleged pedophiles [3] around.

And Trump, whose name does not belong in the same sentence as the word intellectual, appeared on Jones’s show early on, singing his own praises in 2015 while only a candidate.

“I will not let you down. You will be very, very impressed, I hope,” Trump told Jones. “I think we’ll be speaking a lot, but you’ll be looking to me in a year or two years, let’s give me a little bit of time to run things, but a year into office you’ll be saying ‘Wow, I remember that interview, he said he was going to do it, and he did a great job.'”

The country is in chaos, people are dying in almost unbelievable numbers from a pandemic that Trump has let happen and the U.S. has become a huge laughingstock to countries all around the world, yeah. Trump sure is doing a great job of running the U.S. right into the ground. Really, Jones and Trump deserve each other.