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Americans Disgusted After Trump Tweets that Biden is ‘No Longer Worthy’ of the Black Vote

As we reported yesterday, Joe Biden was explaining the political dynamic within segments of the country and noted that, unlike the black community, the Latino community was incredibly diverse in its political views. It was an awkward way to say that there are many conservative Latino voters, but it was fairly obvious to everyone who heard it what Joe was trying to say.

It doesn’t matter, obviously, to the Trump campaign, who immediately jumped on it as proof that Joe Biden isn’t worthy of the black vote, and that black Americans should look for a new candidate.

Yes, apparently the man who retweeted a couple yelling “White Power!” and who said that there were “fine people” among the racists in Charlottesville, believes that Biden’s statement disqualifies him from the black vote in this country, which is almost as laughable as the idea of Trump being a civil rights advocate, which also got floated yesterday by Geraldo Rivera.

So there is a lot of talk about who black Americans should be voting for, and Trump is here this morning to say that it shouldn’t be Joe Biden, while others are pointing out that Trump really doesn’t have a lot of room to maneuver in this topic:

The fact is, while Trump has been both a Democrat and Republican in his life, has been both pro-choice and pro-life, has been all over the map on economic policy, there is one constant in his life, and that is racism:

This was a theme that many jumped upon, that Trump has no room to talk about anyone being hostile to black Americans.

It’s truly unreal. Remember folks, 88 days. That’s it. 88 days and we can have President-Elect Biden. LET’S DO IT.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom